Let's embark on a delicious journey to discover Paolina pasta, a traditional Sicilian recipe prepared in two different variations. 'A Pasta Palìna , later Italianized as...
These meatballs are a truly delicious second course, ideal for those who have to follow a gluten-free diet but don't want to give up on taste....
Every family has its own recipe for aubergines in oil. If you are looking for the perfect one, here are our tips to prepare for this...
Excellent to serve as an aperitif, fried pasta in an air fryer is prepared in no time and can be flavored in different ways. Excellent to...
White spaghetti with clams is a delicious dish: a refined and tasty recipe. Seeing is believing! Today we prepare some magnificent spaghetti with clams: creamy, tasty...
Trapani-style pasta is a tasty first course based on Sicilian pesto with almonds. A tasty recipe that is worth trying. Preparing Trapani-style pasta means giving life...
The escalopes with porcini mushrooms are quick and easy to make, a tasty and savory second course. Here's how they prepare! Today we're preparing some fabulous...
Suitable for both lunch and dinner, we prepare sausage with potatoes cooked in an air fryer, tasty and crunchy. If you want to prepare a perfect...
The pastissada de caval is a stew made with horse meat usually served with polenta and typical of Venetian cuisine. The pastissada de caval, literally messed...
Ingredients and recipe of Cannavacciuolo seafood carbonara, a refined, gourmet first course perfect for the whole family. Cannavacciuolo's seafood carbonara is a truly delicious first course....
In case of celiac disease, preparing gluten-free tigella is the only solution. Here are our tips to have them perfect with and without a tigelliera. Tigelle...
In less than 20 minutes you will be ready to bring delicious, light and crunchy chicken cutlets in an air fryer to the table. How much...
Let's try our hand at the original recipe of Apulian acquasale, a unique dish full of flavors and genuine products, which you can use in a...
A very simple first course whose success mainly depends on the quality of the fruit: risotto with figs. Fig risotto is certainly a particular but very...
We prepare pasta alla carcerata with the typical Roman recipe, a perfect first course for lovers of strong flavours. Despite our efforts, we have not been...
Here are 10 recipes with peppers, a vegetable that is good in all ways to brighten up your lunches with friends with flavor and taste! Thinking...
This typical English recipe is perfect to accompany second courses of meat rich in sauce: we are talking about Yorkshire pudding! Contrary to what one might...
Soft and elastic, Arabic bread in an air fryer is simple to prepare and ideal for accompanying Middle Eastern cuisine. Today we offer you a recipe...
The recipe for stuffed tomatoes is a must for the summer: here's how to make them baked or cold for unique summer dishes and mouth-watering second...
The teriyaki chicken is delicious, a dish inspired by the Asian culinary tradition and in particular by the Japanese one. Here's the recipe! Teriyaki chicken is...