The veggie wrap is a piadina rolled on irresistible seasonal vegetables. Let's find out how to make this quick and tasty vegetarian recipe. If you are...
The cuttlefish ink arancini are a delicious variant of the classic recipe, enriched with cuttlefish and peas. Arancine or arancini? The controversy is always on but...
Imagine the scent of this risotto with white asparagus: it invades the entire kitchen! Don't be scared by their particularity, here's how to cook white asparagus....
Gluten-free vegan muffins are the perfect basic recipe for when you have special guests. Let's find out how to make it easily. Those who love desserts...
Let's prepare a cheesecake in the air fryer: perfect cooking makes the dessert delicious and ready to serve at a dinner with friends. We have prepared...
To make your lunch special, prepare ravioli with asparagus and ricotta, a very tasty first course. Making any lunch special is very simple. To enrich the...
The white chocolate muffins have a delicate and inviting taste, delicious for breakfast or as a snack. For a tasty snack, let's prepare white chocolate muffins....
The gluten-free cheese and pear pie is a recipe full of flavor and imagination, also ideal for celiacs. The gluten-free cheese and pear pie is a...
Vegan tiramisu is a recipe suitable for all those who want to enjoy a spoon dessert in a natural variant and without ingredients of animal origin....
If you don't know what to cook for dinner, fennel parmigiana is the right recipe for you. Try it with smoked scamorza and you'll taste what...
Soft and fragrant, pan bread is the solution to all your problems. Here's how to prepare it quickly and without yeast. You too will have found...
Simple but delicious like never before, the frullamela cake is a quick and easy dessert, a simple cake perfect for breakfast. One of the positive aspects...
Whether it is meat or spinach, burek remains one of the most popular dishes in Turkish cuisine. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe....
With just a few ingredients and almost no effort you can prepare an excellent asparagus omelette in the air fryer. With the arrival of spring it's...
Let's prepare risotto with artichokes and bacon, a first course full of flavor and easy to make for a special lunch. There are many flavors in...
Let's find out how to prepare homemade Parisian pizza starting from the dough following the original Neapolitan recipe. The Parisian is a rustic Neapolitan pizza made...
If you don't know what to cook for dinner, fennel parmigiana is the right recipe for you. Try it with smoked scamorza and you'll taste what...
Stuffed eggs are a delicious appetizer that can be prepared in large quantities, perfect for serving during large dinners or lunches. If you are looking for...
Let's see how to prepare grilled asparagus, a light and nutritious side dish that goes with everything. Have you ever tried grilled asparagus? It is a...
The spaghetti omelette is an excellent solution for using leftover spaghetti, and is "mandatory" for the Easter Monday trip. The spaghetti omelette is so good that...