The air fryer eggplant fries are a simple side dish to prepare and very tasty. Here is our quick recipe. If you too are tired of...
Here is the soft and delicious recipe for gluten-free peach cake, ideal for breakfast or a delicious snack! Gluten-free peach cake is very simple to prepare...
Tasty and fresh, banana cheesecake is a perfect summer dessert. Curious to find out how to prepare this cold dessert? Perfect for using ripe bananas, banana...
Perfect for summer, peperonata with potatoes is at its best the next day. Here is our recipe to prepare it. Peperonata, in the collective imagination, is...
A practical guide with all the useful tips on how to clean your air fryer. The air fryer is one of the most convenient and efficient...
Currant jam with Thermomix is ​​a scented jam that you will love, to be eaten for a tasty breakfast! Currant is a genuine and healthy fruit...
Arrosticini are a typical street food of Abruzzo. These mutton skewers are served in bunches and accompanied with toasted bread. Arrosticini are a typical dish from...
In 15 minutes your air fryer omelette prepared without oil and without bad smells in the kitchen will be ready to be enjoyed. The air fryer...
We prepare the stuffed mussels cooked in an air fryer, for a typical succulent product with a perfectly gratin exterior. The one for stuffed mussels is...
Preparing gluten-free stuffed zucchini cooked in the oven is really very simple. Here is our hearty recipe with peppers and cheddar. The gluten-free stuffed zucchini recipe...
Let's find out all the characteristics of watermelon: the benefits, properties, different types and many recipes to enjoy it! Who doesn't love the taste of watermelon?...
The cheesecake with berries is a great classic of homemade desserts, easy to make and ideal for a delicious dessert. The cheesecake with berries is a...
Perfect for a family dinner, perhaps accompanied with potatoes and mayonnaise, chicken balls in the air fryer are amazing. Chicken meatballs in the air fryer are...
Creamy and tasty, the vegan tuna sauce has nothing to envy to the traditional recipe. Let's discover together the secret ingredient to prepare it! Vegan recipes...
French fries must be golden, crunchy, tasty and… perfect! Here are our golden rules for making wonderful crispy french fries. Who doesn't love french fries? Crunchy,...
They are delicious and easy to prepare: here is the recipe for souvlaki, the marinated meat skewers originating in Greece. Souvlaki are delicious skewers of meat...
We prepare the stuffed aubergines in an air fryer, a light second course with mozzarella, ham and tomato. Stuffed aubergines in an air fryer are even...
The zucchini sticks in the air fryer are a light and tasty product, with a crunchy external breading. Delicious as a side dish or appetizer, but...
Frying (almost) without oil is possible thanks to the air fryer. Here's how this appliance works and some advice for buying. The saying goes that even...
Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, the curly puff pastry is a typical dessert of Naples. Let's see the recipe to make it at...