Preparing Ragusan rice balls is really simple and once you taste them you will never stop cooking them. Let's see all the steps of the recipe....
The pumpkin and sausage lasagna recipe is perfect for those who want to prepare a delicious and inviting first course. Good preparation! Pumpkin and sausage lasagna...
More than a sandwich, the Ischitan gypsy is called toasted bread. Let's discover all the secrets to prepare it like on the island. There is no...
When do we talk about generalized anxiety? Let's see when the symptoms lead to define it as such and what are the most effective treatments. Generalized...
We recently spotted the men's fashion trends of summer 2023 on the catwalk, to be copied to us too starting this summer Last June in his...
Kimbap is a Korean sushi-based dish, very easy to make and with few ingredients. Here is the simple recipe to create in the kitchen. Each culture...
If you are looking for quick and easy recipes for the summer, coffee popsicles are for you. Here's how we prepare them with cream. With the...
The recipe for watermelon sorbet with Thermomix is ​​an easy dessert that will keep you company throughout the summer. Here are the ingredients and all the...
What are the best hamstring exercises? Let's see which ones you can perform in the gym and which ones are perfect for the home. Very important...
In ten minutes you will have a rich and tasty dish ready, perfect for the summer. We are talking about the salad with feta, tuna, tomatoes...
The nasal douche is a form of nasal irrigation useful for preventing seasonal ailments. Let's find out how it works. When we talk about a nasal...
Summer savory pie: a recipe not to be missed to prepare an excellent summer single dish. Also excellent cold for buffets or aperitifs. The summer savory...
One of the most talented designer in the fashion industry, Demna Gvasalia has rewritten the rules of the fashion system, creating transgressive collections that have marked...
The recipe of the spikes with sauce is perfect for those looking for a different second course of meat or a sauce to season pasta. Let's...
The barbecue is not just a simple preparation, but a real art: let's discover all the secrets to organize a perfect one. Cooking outdoors, eating with...
Perfect for breakfast or a snack, the yogurt and blueberry cake is one of the simplest recipes you can prepare with these berries. Blueberries are among...
Some nice and quick ideas for the easiest and most beautiful 18 year old hairstyles to wear. Coming of age is a special moment that you...
The recipe for tiramisu without mascarpone is an alternative to the more classic spoon dessert, here's how to prepare it! Tiramisu without mascarpone is one of...
Like love, shorts have no age and are worn even at 50, focusing on the right models. Who said that at 50 we have to say...
Do you want delicious first courses? Pasta with pumpkin and speck is the one for you! Here's how to prepare this delicious recipe … Autumn brings...