Simple, tasty and perfect for any occasion, octopus with water is a recipe that you absolutely must try on its own or to season pasta. Octopus...
American pancakes are an overseas breakfast classic, an easy to make and truly delicious recipe: traditional or original, here's how to prepare them. Today we are...
Are you looking for a quick and easy first course that will delight you with its flavour? Today we offer you ash pasta! Perfect for winter...
With the strawberry jam recipe you can prepare a tasty preserve with a unique flavour. Here's how it's done! Everyone loves a good homemade jam, especially...
Sugar-free jam is perfect for all those who are on a diet but can't give up dessert. Let's find out how to prepare it! Fortunately, more...
Crispy pan-fried carrots are a classic but timeless vegetable side dish, perfect to pair with any dish you want to enjoy. Today we are preparing a...
Onion fritters are prepared with very few ingredients, they are 100% vegetable and perfect as a quick appetizer. Sometimes very little is needed to bring delicious...
It only takes 7 minutes to prepare an excellent burger in the air fryer. The result? Worthy of the best burger joints! The air fryer is...
With just a few ingredients you can prepare an excellent side dish of green beans and potato salad. Here's how we do it in less than...
Very little is needed to prepare asparagus and sausage risotto, a first course suitable for family dinners that will win over everyone. If King Midas had...
Coconut tiramisu is a delicious recipe for preparing a variation of the traditional dessert, excellent to serve as a fresh end to a meal. Coconut tiramisu...
Chickpea and feta salad with rocket is a tasty and alternative side dish to classic salads. Here's the recipe! Chickpea and feta salad is a nutritious,...
With the softness of a brioche bread and the sweetness of chocolate, the Nutella crown is an irresistible dessert. Haven't you tried the goodness of the...
Spaghetti alla Nerano is a first course with courgettes that is simple to prepare but very tasty thanks to the presence of Provolone. Traditional Italian recipes...
The asparagus and sweet gorgonzola risotto is a perfect first course for all occasions: with its creaminess it will conquer everyone! When it comes to quick...
We know the taste of Castelmagno gnocchi, a simple and genuine typical product, easy to prepare. Castelmagno gnocchi are a very easy and quick preparation to...
In the world of beauty, having a perfect, glowing complexion is often the ultimate goal. Even though cosmetics can greatly enhance our features, a thorough skincare...
Gluten-free corn bread is an ideal recipe for those who don't want to give up the fragrance and flavor of homemade bread. Let's see how to...
Lunch becomes delicious with the recipe for pasta with sausage, a simple and rustic first course. If you have little time or little desire to spend...
Nutella tiramisu is a variation of the traditional dessert perfect for any occasion and easy to make. Let's see together how to do it! Today we...