Our home environment is the refuge where we spend most of our time, and creating a welcoming environment can significantly influence our daily well-being. Home is...
Perfect for a comfort food family dinner, air fryer fish and chips are prepared without frying. One of the typical dishes par excellence of English cuisine...
Chickpea passatelli in pumpkin and potato cream are as beautiful to look at as they are good to eat, and are also very good for your...
Prepared with stale bread, flour and milk, the pizzoccheri from Valchiavenna are more similar to gnocchi. Here's how to prepare them with Bitto. Pizzoccheri della Valchiavenna,...
We prepare the breaded cauliflower in the air fryer, to serve as a tasty and genuine appetizer, based on vegetables. Even the most skeptical will love...
Having an ace up your sleeve in the kitchen is always useful, especially when you have unexpected guests for dinner: here's a savory pie ready in...
We prepare tuna meatballs in the air fryer, small delights with light and crunchy breading and a very soft filling. Air fryer tuna patties are an...
Ingredients and recipe for baked mozzarella in carrozza, a lighter but no less good variant. Baked mozzarella in carrozza is the lighter version of the traditional...
Light and fluffy like a cloud, this light cake is truly amazing and perfect for even the most shape-conscious. Here is our recipe! How many times...
Do you feel weighed down? Try the canary, a drink to drink after a big meal and to deflate your belly, prepared with lemon and bay...
The red lentil cream soup is a warm and inviting dish, with which you will bring taste and health to your table. Lentil cream soup is...
Gnocchi with meat sauce are a traditional first course, very simple to make at home and excellent for Sunday lunch. Italian gastronomy is full of delicious...
Soft, rich in flavor and also perfect for trips out of town, the gluten-free savory donut is very simple to prepare without scales! Following a gluten-free...
Here are the best recipes with chickpeas, dream dishes that are easy to make and perfect for any occasion. Chickpeas are legumes that are part of...
Simple and quick to prepare, the ricotta omelette is a light and tasty second course that can be cooked either in a pan or in the...
Baked stuffed artichokes au gratin are a very tasty dish, ideal for a quick dinner or as an appetizer for Sunday lunches. Stuffed artichokes are one...
Served on a plate or in the characteristic hot dog bun, air fryer frankfurters are a recipe that everyone can agree on. What's better than comfort...
Pork slices breaded with corn flour are a delicious and easy-to-prepare gluten-free variant, perfect as a second course for a family dinner. Today we are going...
Here's how to prepare the quick and easy recipe for a tasty potato parmigiana in the air fryer, with layers of goodness. Air fryer potato parmigiana...
Chicory soup is a warm and inviting dish, which can be prepared with beans, broad beans and other ingredients. Want a truly delicious soup? Then follow...