You can consider Ace smoothie as one of the quick and easy recipes to have for breakfast or as a snack. Here's how it's prepared. The...
The original carbonara pasta recipe is a true institution of traditional Italian cuisine. Here are all the secrets to prepare it flawlessly! It is one of...
Banana cake is a delicious, soft and perfect cake to serve for breakfast, but also as a dessert at the end of a dinner. Here is...
A tasty side dish that melts in your mouth: glazed carrots will conquer everyone. Here is the quick and easy recipe! A side dish that goes...
Warm and invigorating, soup is the undisputed queen of winter dinners. But do you know how to prepare the perfect soup? Winter pampering, comfort food for...
Risotto with asparagus is a classy first course, very quick to prepare and rich in taste and flavour. Risotto with asparagus is one of the tastiest...
Baked onions: a side dish that melts in your mouth, very simple to make. Here is the recipe and step-by-step preparation tips! Are you looking for...
Zeppole are fantastic and not as difficult to make as you think: here is the recipe for preparing them both in the oven and fried according...
Sardinian fregola with vegetables: single vegetarian dish of Sardinian origin to be enriched with fresh and seasonal ingredients. Also excellent as a first course. Sardinian fregola...
Strawberry risotto is a simple but highly effective dish, suitable for serving on any occasion. Today we're preparing a special, fresh and colorful risotto, risotto with...
If you are in a hurry and are looking for a quick and easy recipe to have a first and second course together, the baked turkey...
Sardinian seadas with cheese and honey: here's how to prepare one of the most delicious and well-known Sardinian desserts in all of Italy and beyond! Seadas,...
Easter cookies decorated with icing are little delicacies: simple and cheerful, with their colors and inviting appearance, they are also very easy to make! You can...
Pizza muffins are an inviting appetizer that marries a classic of Italian cuisine with one of Anglo-Saxon cuisine. These pizza muffins are not only delicious, but...
Gluten-free mimosa cake with pineapple: recipe for preparing a perfect dessert for Women's Day with rice flour, pineapple and cream! Are you looking for a dessert...
A few ingredients and the second course is served, because the egg and peas recipe is simple but also very tasty. Its preparation is simple just...
Let's see immediately the ingredients and the step-by-step recipe to prepare a side dish of pan-fried agretti flavored with garlic and lemon juice! Today we offer...
Pizza muffins are an inviting appetizer that marries a classic of Italian cuisine with one of Anglo-Saxon cuisine. These pizza muffins are not only delicious, but...
Here is the recipe for the mimosa cake, ideal for celebrating March 8 (but not only): sweet, complicated and unforgettable… just like women! Today we prepare...
Let's find out together how to prepare Cracco eggs with ingredients that are always present in our pantries. Impossible not to know Carlo Cracco , a...