How to prepare the B52, the spectacular, famous and effective drink born in America? Here is the recipe. The B52 is a cocktail that is impossible...
Get ready because with cream pancakes the same thing happens with cherries: one leads to another! Here is our recipe to prepare them. Cream pancakes are...
Carnival recipes: between traditional sweets and savory dishes, here are all the proposals to bring delicious dishes to the table for the whole family. Carnival recipes...
Strawberry smoothie is a fresh and refreshing drink perfect for breakfast or a delicious snack! Strawberry smoothie is a very simple and quick drink to prepare....
Let's find out how to prepare non-fried arancini using the air fryer. A little oil for an extremely tasty dish. Transforming a classic Sicilian recipe into...
Quick first courses for lunch or dinner: from pasta to gnocchi to velvety soup, here are many easy ideas and recipes. When looking for ideas for...
How to cook Piedmontese beans: here is the delicious recipe for a rich, tasty single dish that tastes of tradition! Fagiolata is a rich course that...
A colorful dish that will make a great impression on the menu for costume parties: here is the carnival risotto. As the name suggests, carnival risotto...
So colorful that it will be a party, bring it to the table: Carnival crazy pizza. The carnival pizza pazza is a triumph of colors and...
Torta Pasqualina is a typical recipe from Liguria: a rustic cake that is stuffed with chard, eggs and ricotta. Let's see together how to prepare it!...
Meatballs are fabulous, a traditional dish perfect to be enjoyed on any occasion and to be combined with first courses, side dishes or delicious sauces. Here's...
Naan bread is a pan-cooked bread typical of the Indian tradition with a dough made from flour and yogurt. Here is the original recipe! Naan bread,...
A real treat for the palate, in the spoon dessert par excellence: here is all the goodness and creaminess of the chocolate mousse. Summer or winter,...
Caragnoli are not only Molise Christmas sweets but also perfect sweets for carnival. Italian cuisine is made up of more or less known typical products. Among...
Today we reveal how to prepare anchovies in an air fryer without frying them, in 10 minutes and without the smell of fish in the kitchen....
Let's clear the belief that vegan recipes are tasteless: with these vegan broccoli gratin you will absolutely have to change your mind! We know that vegetables...
The apple and speck risotto contains all the flavors of a magnificent region, Trentino Alto Adige. Here's how to prepare it easily. The idea of ​​preparing...
Soft steamed buns with a white and shiny surface, stuffed with meat or vegetable fillings: here is a brief description of what bao are. When it...
The strawberry tiramisu recipe is perfect when you want to indulge in a sin of gluttony. Let's see together how to make this fresh and tasty...
Roasted rabbit is a traditional second course of meat rich in taste and flavour: here is the recipe and all the advice for its preparation. What...