Cuttlefish with artichokes is a light second course prepared directly with its side dish. Here is the recipe, also for the stewed version. The idea of...
The recipe for artichokes in batter is perfect for those looking for an idea to cook artichokes to make them delicious and inviting, do not miss...
Perfect for all occasions, the paccheri stuffed with ricotta and spinach are the new horizon of the classic baked pasta. Paccheri are a type of pasta...
Herbal tea with lemon and goji berries is a healthy and natural drink, perfect to prepare at home to recharge your batteries. The lemon and goji...
Choux pastry, basic preparation with a neutral taste, perfect for all kinds of fillings: here's how to prepare it at home! The puffs are a classic...
Despite being a complex preparation, that of the profitterol will give you great satisfaction. Let's find out how to prepare them with chocolate glaze! It is...
The boiled stockfish recipe is perfect for all those who want to avoid any cooking problems of the stockfish, while preserving its goodness. Preparing boiled stockfish...
Let's find out how to prepare excellent gluten-free pancakes with rice flour, perfect … all year round! Celiac disease is a problem that affects more and...
Pomegranate liqueur is easy to make and is also a great digestive, perfect to serve fresh after an important meal. Today we see how to prepare...
Halloween sweet graves are among the simplest recipes you can prepare if you decide to organize a themed evening. If this year you have decided to...
Bruno Barbieri's porridge recipe offers us a new way of having breakfast, with a mix of spicy, savory and sweet ingredients. You thought you tried it...
Great with both pizza dough and puff pastry, mummy pizzas are one of the simplest Halloween recipes you can prepare. What are special about mummy pizzas?...
Bread and black cabbage gnocchi, a natural first course with a unique taste, perfect to serve for a family lunch or dinner. Here is the recipe...
With or without potatoes, with fresh or frozen spinach: the creamed spinach with the Thermomix is ​​a truly versatile recipe. The Thermomix is ​​really the ideal...
It is one of the most popular winter cocktails and is appreciated (especially by tourists in the high mountains): here's how to prepare the bombardino! Bombardino...
Preparing these veggie burgers is really simple and the result is guaranteed. Here is our cauliflower burger recipe. Cauliflower is perhaps one of the most versatile...
Salted polenta e osei is a tasty traditional Venetian dish, ideal for any occasion and very easy to prepare. Polenta e osei is a traditional Italian...
Soft and fragrant, the gluten-free yogurt cake is the perfect dessert not only for those suffering from celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Who said you have...
The Parmesan canestrini are beautiful, spectacular and greedy: here is the recipe step by step! The Parmesan baskets (or Parmigiano canestrini) will give an extra touch...
This veal stew is soft and delicious: served with potatoes it is perfect for all occasions. Here's how it's done! Veal stew with potatoes is a...