Let's prepare the miascia, the bread and fruit cake recipe that is part of the repertoire of quick and easy desserts, typical of northern Italy. The...
The recipe for crispy baked peas is perfect for those looking for a delicious finger food to serve as an appetizer or simply for those who...
Having greasy hair is particularly annoying. Let's find out together the causes of this phenomenon and the best remedies. Greasy hair is easily recognizable when, even...
Baked onions: a side dish that melts in your mouth, very simple to make. Here is the recipe and step-by-step preparation tips! Are you looking for...
Let's find out what are the steps to take for a beauty routine aimed at perfect eyebrows. Having well-groomed eyebrows is very important and becomes more...
Ingredients and recipe of Sicilian swordfish, a second course of simple fish to prepare with the addition of cherry tomatoes, olives and capers. Olives, cherry tomatoes...
The Carrara rice cake has a sweet softness capable of enveloping our senses with delicate flavors and intense aromas. The Carrara rice cake is superfine goodness....
Tuscany is the perfect travel destination for those who want to enjoy a relaxing holiday dedicated to wellness and good food: here are some possible itineraries...
Baked onions: a side dish that melts in your mouth, very simple to make. Here is the recipe and step-by-step preparation tips! Are you looking for...
Stomach deflated foods are a real panacea for those who find themselves having this problem. Let's find out which ones are the most effective of all...
Pharyngitis is the technical term for the common sore throat. Let's find out better what it is and how to recognize it. When we talk about...
Herpes encephalitis: what it is, symptoms and possible treatments for herpetic encephalitis. Herpes encephalitis is a serious viral infection of the brain caused by the herpes...
Here are the ingredients and recipe for gluten-free vegetable meatballs, a delicious second course also suitable for coeliacs! Delicious, delicious and simple to prepare: today we...
Busiate are a typical Sicilian pasta shape. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe and some ideas for the sauce. When it comes to...
Few ingredients allow you to prepare an amazing side dish like aubergines au gratin. Here is the perfect recipe for summer. With the first heat, the...
Among the many ways to take care of yourself and improve yourself there is also the Batman effect, a particular way that helps you persist in...
Pasta with tomato sauce is one of the recipes that best represents the Italian culinary tradition: here's how to prepare it to perfection. Let's start from...
Polymenorrhea is a menstrual disorder. Let's find out what it means, how to recognize it and what are the methods of intervention. Polymenorrhea is a condition...
The strawberry diet allows you to lose weight and deflate easily. Let's find out how! When spring arrives, the craving for strawberries is almost a consequence....
Making cherries in syrup is an easy way to preserve this summer fruit. Here is our recipe to prepare them. We can consider sour cherries in...