Here is the recipe for baked artichokes, a delicious side dish to combine with main courses of meat or fish. Baked artichokes are a delicious way...
Coconut milk cream is velvety and delicious. Delicious eaten with a spoon, amazing if combined with cakes and fresh fruit! Coconut milk cream is a delicious...
Easy to make and pretty to present, the recipe for eggs in bread originates from England, to be made with just eggs and slices of bread....
A traditional Easter recipe, much loved, is that of nun eggs. A Campania appetizer made of hard-boiled eggs, worked with bechamel, breaded and fried! For the...
Did you say cat tongues? The original recipe of biscuits very easy and ready in 10 minutes. Cat's tongues are thin and crumbly biscuits, which have...
Today we prepare the strawberry crumble, a cake inspired by the Mantuan tradition (alla sbrisolona) and reinvented it with a delicious filling! Surely you have heard...
The traditional recipe of the Piedmontese panissa is that of an easy first course, made with typical ingredients: rice, beans, salamino della duja and little else....
Mustard Chicken Drumsticks are ideal to cook when you have guests over for lunch or dinner as they are sure to wow! Mustard spindles are a...
Bone broth is a real panacea for the body. Here is the recipe but beware of contraindications. The border of bones is a preparation considered a...
Directly from Naples, here is the original recipe for pizza chiena. Typical of the Easter period, it is perfect for trips out of town. The pizza...
Fennel seed bagels keep crunchy for a few days and are perfect for an aperitif or pre-appetizer. Fennel seed taralli are an excellent idea for a...
Let's discover together tricks and secrets to prepare the tiramisu of Iginio Massari, the Master of Italian pastry with a simple recipe! Iginio Massari is the...
Gluten-free scones to be filled with cold cuts and cheeses: soft and perfect for those intolerant to gluten. Try the classic recipe or the one with...
Impossible to resist the sweetness (and gluttony) of this Nutella cake with Thermomix. And it's super easy to prepare! Preparing the Nutella cake with the Thermomix...
The rabbit recipe in the oven scares less experienced cooks, but it's much simpler than it seems. Here's how to prepare this second roast dish! Today...
Soy chicken with vegetables is a dish that is ready in just a few minutes, with soft and crunchy ingredients that complement each other. Soy chicken...
Baked mullets are quick and simple to make, perfect if you want to bring a delicious second course of fish to the table. Do you want...
How to prepare plumcake with cornmeal: the ingredients and recipe for a delicious gluten-free dessert for breakfast or as a snack! Cornmeal is generally used for...
Few genuine ingredients to give life to the symbolic dish of Italy. We are talking about Neapolitan pizza in its original version! Neapolitan pizza is a...
Looking for a delicious and particularly original dish that will amaze all diners? Try the ham sandwich lasagna! Today we offer you a quick first course,...