Pasta with asparagus pesto is a light and simple first course to prepare, ideal for a quick lunch or dinner. Pasta with asparagus pesto is a...
Delicious and tasty, adults and children like it: here's how to cook fried chicken with lemon. A different way of cooking a food that both adults...
Who said that ragĂą has to be made of meat? With some tricks it is possible to bring delicious dishes with vegan ragĂą to the table!...
The Umbrian brustengo is a tasty and very thin focaccia. A genuine product to be made with only three ingredients and accompanied with the typical raw...
Here is the savory artichoke cake, a crunchy delicacy perfect for bringing joy, taste and imagination to the table! The savory artichoke pie is a real...
Chocolate bottle cake is a quick and easy way to prepare a dessert without messing up the whole kitchen. Let's see how to do it! How...
Fancy a delicious slice of pan-fried swordfish? Then follow our advice and our recipe for this delicious second course. The pan-fried swordfish recipe is tasty, easy...
Here's how to prepare shortcrust pastry with the Thermomix in just a few minutes: a simple and quick basic recipe for biscuits and tarts! If you...
Vegan chocolate cake is a dessert prepared without butter, milk and eggs. Here is the perfect recipe for a light and delicious end-of-meal. If you are...
Pasta with asparagus and sausage and its tastier variations are perfect if you are looking for quick and easy recipes for all occasions. Two ingredients that...
Perfect for spring, air fryer strawberry cake will win everyone over with its unique texture. Amazing on their own, strawberries are also excellent for making tasty...
A salad with broad beans and pecorino is the idea for a perfect, fresh and nutritious side dish with a spring flavour. Spring is the perfect...
Among the quick and easy recipes perfect for brunch, but also as a second course, there are the legendary gluten-free savory pancakes. Here is the recipe....
Easy to prepare and naturally sweet, apples cooked in an air fryer are a delight to serve at the end of a meal, alone or with...
Simple but very tasty, spaghetti alla tarantina is a perfect first course to savor the intense flavor of mussels. Among the fish first courses there is...
Today we discover how to prepare a simple dessert, perfect for adults and children: strawberry tiramisu without eggs, a real delicacy! When strawberry season arrives it...
Pastin Belluno is a meat dish typical of Venetian cuisine and is prepared with a mix of minced beef and pork! Pastin Belluno is a typical...
First courses are the symbol of Italianness: here are 10 delicious, easy to make and quick first courses that will inspire you to get behind the...
Usually fried, seadas in the air fryer have nothing to envy of the traditional recipe. Here's how they prepare. Seadas are a very special typical Sardinian...
Spanakopita is a well-known Greek recipe for serving a savory pie with spinach and feta. Known far and wide, the original Greek spanakopita recipe is very...