Simple, light and very soft, pan di panna is a sort of brioche that lends itself to many variations. Let's discover the recipe together! Pan di...
The Campania recipe for pasta with cheese and eggs is one of the delicious first courses that come from the Neapolitan gastronomic tradition. Here's how to...
Ideal as an aperitif sauce or as an accompaniment to your dishes, vegan mayonnaise will surprise you! Very few ingredients are enough to prepare one of...
For Father's Day there is nothing better than baked St. Joseph's zeppole filled with custard! Zeppole di San Giuseppe are a typical dessert from Naples that...
The Neapolitan pastiera in the air fryer is very easy to make, crumbly on the outside, soft on the inside and good as per tradition. Today,...
Autolysis is a pre-dough that makes leavened products lighter and more digestible as well as easier to work with. Here's everything you should know. Approaching bread...
Gluten-free rose cake, a soft dough to work with that will become a very soft dessert that will be impossible to resist. A soft and tasty...
The savory colomba is perfect for making Easter lunch special, with a soft dough and a filling of cheeses and cured meats. To make the Easter...
The salty Danube recipe is an inviting surprise: it not only makes a scene, it is also delicious and can be stuffed with everything you have...
Artichoke and bacon pasta is a dish suitable for all occasions, easy to make but with great potential: you'll see, everyone will like it! Here is...
Using seasonal vegetables it is possible to prepare an excellent vegetable focaccia, colorful and tasty thanks to the presence of oregano. Focaccia is an excellent substitute...
A good recipe for this second course or appetizer without eggs, butter or cheese: vegan savory pie with spinach and tofu. The vegan savory pie with...
The gluten-free rice pastiera is as good as the traditional one and perfect not only for those who suffer from celiac disease. Rice pastiera is the...
If you are looking for something light, we recommend trying the egg-free lemon cream: enjoyed on its own or in a dessert, it is amazing! Preparing...
Here's how to make sea bass in the air fryer, a light and tasty second course, enriched with cherry tomatoes and olives. Preparing sea bass fillet...
Easter zuccotto is a typical Sicilian dessert made with sponge cake, cream and ricotta. Here's how to prepare it. Let's take a trip to Sicily to...
Stuffed with onions, anchovies and raisins, San Giuseppe focaccia is a typical recipe from Puglia that is very simple to prepare. Let's discover a typical leavened...
Lighter than the traditional recipe, cottage cheese cheesecake is a reinterpretation of the classic recipe and involves the use of cottage cheese. Cottage cheese cheesecake is...
A delicious and tasty first course, asparagus and speck pasta is perfect for important tables, but also for everyday lunch. The asparagus and speck pasta is...
The Easter Colomba is a typical product that cannot be missed on our tables: let's discover together how to prepare it at home with the original...