Among the most loved and appreciated flavors, black cherry jam goes perfectly with everything, but it's also delicious on its own. Who knows why, only with...
How to prepare quinoa and avocado salad with salmon and edamame beans: the ingredients and all the steps to prepare a delicious gluten-free dish! The quinoa...
Oven-baked zucchini sticks: the recipe for preparing a delicious and tasty appetizer, perfect for serving on the occasion of a summer dinner or for an aperitif...
Every family has its own recipe for aubergines in oil. If you are looking for the perfect one, here are our tips to prepare for this...
Capgras syndrome leads sufferers to think that the people around them are really just lookalikes. Let's find out how it manifests itself and what is important...
Stiff man syndrome is a rare disease that can be particularly disabling: let's find out what it is There are diseases of which very little is...
Today we prepare penne all'arrabbiata: the traditional recipe of the typical dish of Italian cuisine, delicious and perfect for any occasion. Good, spicy, colorful: they are...
Pasta alla checca is a quick and easy first course typical of Roman cuisine. Here's how to prepare it. Pasta alla fag is a typical recipe...
Grilling spare ribs isn't that difficult. Here are our tips for perfect cooking starting from the marinade of the meat. The arrival of the warm season...
Imagine adding stale bread soaked in milk to a simple omelette. Here is the delicious bread omelette, a light and tasty second course. The bread omelette...
How to make nocino: the ingredients and the recipe of the traditional Modena liqueur, ideal for serving at the end of a meal! Nocino is a...
Also known as the Saintes-Tropez cake, the tarte tropezienne is a French dessert consisting of brioche bread and a rich cream. French cuisine is certainly not...
Here are some ideas for a tasty dinner: 15 delicious and quick recipes (from appetizers to desserts) without sacrificing taste! Are you looking for ideas for...
Trapani-style pasta is a tasty first course based on Sicilian pesto with almonds. A tasty recipe that is worth trying. Preparing Trapani-style pasta means giving life...
Phobias are real anxiety disorders. Let's find out what they depend on, how to recognize them and what to do to solve them. When we talk...
Mother-in-law's tongues are crunchy savory sheets, ideal as an aperitif and to be enriched with all kinds of creams and mousses. Let's find out how to...
In honor of Giuseppe Garibaldi here is the pasta alla garibaldina: a rich and tasty first course with cream, tomato, prawns and chilli pepper. Pasta alla...
At sushi or in some Japanese cartoon you have certainly seen onigiri, triangles of rice with a strip of seaweed. Let's see how this Japanese street...
The perfect recipe for a family Sunday. Ingredients: 250 g of flour 1 egg 3 egg yolks 600 g of spinach 100 g of grated cheese...
Yoghurt and cherry cake fresh and delicious sweet to serve at the end of a lunch or dinner with friends and that never leaves you unsatisfied....