Creamy and irresistible, let's find out how to prepare pasta and beans in the Neapolitan version, a poor soup with a flavor from another era. Pasta...
This savory tiramisu is perfect to be enjoyed on any occasion and is ideal for opening your fish menu in the best possible way. Savory tiramisu...
Exploded on the New York Fashion Week catwalk for spring/summer 2023, fluorescent colors are the essential ingredient of our summer wardrobe. A refresher on the colors...
Portioning food with your hands is a good way to eat healthily. Let's find out how it works! Eating well is essential to be able to...
The time change represents a moment of discomfort every year. Let's find out how to prepare to better manage it. Like every year, the fateful moment...
The recipe for Cracco's steamed tiramisu with custard and mascarpone: here's how to prepare it at home! Carlo Cracco's tiramisu is a slightly different version of...
Ingredients and recipe for stewed octopus, a second course for a very tasty and really simple fish dinner. Are you planning to organize a fish-based dinner...
Spring cake is the recipe that will amaze everyone with its beauty and delicate flavour. Here's how to prepare this stuffed dessert. The arrival of Spring...
Good in summer and winter, it's ready in 30 minutes and it's a delicious classic: here's the recipe for homemade chocolate pudding! Chocolate pudding needs no...
The tie as a new genderless symbol: Valentino revolutionizes archetypes and through the punk dress code writes a genderless F/W 2023-2024 In the world of punk,...
Are you crazy about homemade pizza? Don't miss the recipe for pan pizza, soft, fragrant and delicious. Pizza enthusiasts and connoisseurs will know very well that...
Parker house rolls are soft, delicious and rather simple sandwiches to prepare. Parker house rolls are one of the most pleasant quick and easy recipes to...
Agretti omelette, excellent to serve as a second course, as a side dish or as an aperitif. Here is the step-by-step preparation! The pan-cooked agretti omelette...
Cluttering is a still poorly understood speech fluency disorder. Let's find out what it is and why it differs from stuttering. When we talk about cluttering...
Sleep apnea: what it is, symptoms and causes of one of the most common but also underestimated sleep disorders. Sleep apnea is a respiratory disorder that...
Bechamel is a precious sauce in the kitchen, here's how to prepare it without making fatal mistakes: the recipe. Scholars continue to argue about the origin...
Risotto pasta requires very slow cooking, in a pan, to enhance its taste and consistency, just like risotto. Pan-fried pasta risotto is a very creamy and...
Spring time, color time! In the list of must-have colors we add acid green, for those looking for a vitamin look. Hard to match? We offer...
The Genoese chard cake is a typical savory pie from Genoa prepared with crazy pasta, chard and prescinseua. When it comes to savory pies there is...
Here are our recipes for organizing a perfect Father's Day dinner, also ideal for preparing with the little ones. Father's Day falls every year on March...