Budwig cream represents a healthy, nutritious and easy to prepare breakfast. Let’s find out what its ingredients are and why it is considered beneficial. Lovers of...
Stuffed loin is a delicious second course that is suitable for any type of occasion, from Sunday lunches to quick and easy dinners. The first step...
Do you want something refreshing and detoxing after binges? Try the cream of thistles and peas. A good creamy dish like our cream of thistles and...
Classic cuttlefish ink spaghetti are one of the most popular made in Italy first courses of fish. Scenic and greedy, they are also easy to prepare....
The puzzle cookies are suitable for those looking for an idea for Valentine’s Day that can amaze their sweetheart. The puzzle biscuits are one of those...
If you are looking for a tasty and simple first course to prepare, you cannot fail to try the recipe for cauliflower and pancetta pasta. Pasta...
The gluten-free apple pie with Thermomix is ​​ideal for snacks with friends or breakfasts with your family. Apple pie is undoubtedly one of the easiest desserts...
Palermitan style pasta with sardines is a fabulous dish, perfect to prepare for a lunch or dinner and amaze all your guests. Today we are going...
Knam’s Chocolate Tart is a delicious dessert excellent to serve during the holidays, but also as an end to a meal on a special occasion. If...
Pumpkin farrotto is an original first course perfect to be served on autumn evenings, really very tasty. The farrotto is so called because of the cooking...
Tourette’s syndrome, also known as Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome, is a neurological disorder characterized by the presence of repeated tics. Let’s get to know it...
His majesty the pesto, but without garlic. Simple, delicious and irresistible in the recipe that we offer you quick and easy. Pesto is one of the...
Let’s find out how to prepare a delicious vegetable side dish: cauliflower alla Cavour, ideal to accompany any dish. Lovers of delicious side dishes or those...
All the ways to prepare a tasty and delicious dish of seitan escalopes. Primo Chef’s easy recipes. Seitan is a particular preparation composed of wheat gluten,...
Among the various delicious recipes belonging to the Tuscan repertoire, there is that of the red crostini alla Chiantigiana. Here is the original recipe for this...
The ideal solution when you need to cook quick and easy desserts? Gluten-free lemon cookies are for you. In this recipe you will discover how to...
Tasty and substantial, peasant potatoes are a perfect side dish for meat dishes. Here’s how we prepare them. Peasant-style potatoes are an easy but very tasty...
The kisses of lovers s they are quick desserts that are prepared in a very short time and that do not require great skills in the...
The vegan buckwheat cake with jam filling will make you look great on any occasion. The recipe for the cake vegan buckwheat is widely used, not...
The Lorighittas recipe is that of a typical Sardinian pasta, handmade with few ingredients and modeled like intertwined spaghetti. The original recipe of Lorighittas was born...