The wild boar ragù is a tasty condiment, prepared according to the Tuscan culinary tradition and perfect for your first pasta dishes. Maremma-style wild boar ragù...
Let's find out which are the simplest elegant hairstyles to achieve. Creating elegant hairstyles is not difficult. What matters is to have in mind the result...
Candied orange peels are awesome and easy to make: here's the recipe for this really yummy treat! Fragrant, colorful and delicious: these are candied oranges, ideal...
Second hand clothes open the doors to a new market: in 2023 our wardrobe will be more vintage. The new direction of the fashion system, which...
They are delicious, easy to make and versatile as a base for a thousand other recipes: here's how to cook boiled chestnuts (and the best ways...
Risotto with dried porcini mushrooms is a tasty first course that can be prepared in any season. Here is the recipe to follow step by step....
Here is the quick recipe to prepare a tasty cauliflower pesto, with walnuts and little else, to enrich a first course with taste. To make even...
To make a lunch special, prepare some rustic and delicious lasagna with pumpkin and speck with this quick recipe. If you have never tasted lasagna with...
One of the most popular preserves is homemade cauliflower in oil. An easy recipe to prepare and that you will have available for several months. Cauliflower...
Venous insufficiency is a circulatory disorder that consists in the difficulty of the blood to go up towards the heart; those suffering from this disorder may...
What is splanchnophilia? We discover this psychological disorder that came to light thanks to the Netflix TV series Dahmer. Splanchnophilia psychiatric disorder came to light thanks...
Dental malocclusion is a problem that afflicts many people of all ages. Going more specifically, it is useful to know that it is a pathological condition...
When you have blood leaking from your mouth, it is very important to understand what it means and to know how to act. Here's what to...
Let's find out how to make a natural and perfect mucolytic to dissolve mucus. Being able to carry out a natural mucolytic means being able to...
The summer fashion to come was also on stage at New York Fashion Week. Explosive in nuance and design, starting with the shoes Let's get ready...
If Carrie Bradshaw approves of a pigeon-shaped bag, then it will almost certainly become a trend Certainly the pigeon is part of the entourage of the...
If you are looking for Halloween makeup inspo, inspiration has just been served on the catwalk: from Gucci to Versace the trend is terrifying Terror ,...
The key pieces of a self-respecting wardrobe according to Kaia Gerber enclosed in the capsule made with Zara The duo Kaia Gerber and Zara could only...
Nude base, thin eyeliner strokes, foreground lips and clouds of color: this year's make-up is romantic, bright and colorful Essential, colorful but extremely attentive to detail:...
Are walnuts good for you? Let's find out the truth about the most loved super food ever, perfect for many dishes: from appetizers to desserts. Are...