Gluten-free and butter-free, the wind fast cake is the perfect dessert for breakfast or a snack. Here's how it is prepared with the Mantuan recipe. The...
Let's find out how to prepare the recipe for the pumpkin and potato soup, a vegan, light and very tasty first course. With the arrival of...
If you love quick and easy recipes, we recommend you try our potato-free gnocchi with the Thermomix, light and excellent with any sauce. Dumplings are a...
Wilson's disease is a rare genetic disease that can affect ages 5 to 40: let's see the causes, symptoms and treatment. Have you ever heard of...
Here is the original recipe for Milanese fennel, a typical product of Lombard gastronomy and easy to make. The preparation of the Milanese fennel is that...
A hotel room is undoubtedly a part of a trip, be it for pleasure or business, that travelers will remember from their stay. To ensure that...
Sweet Snow White gives us the delicious recipe for her tasty gooseberry pie. Here's how to make it at home for a magical result to say...
RocĂo Muñoz Morales is the godmother of the 79th Venice Film Festival and her looks are already a lesson in elegance Is it possible to be...
White spots on the lips are a more common problem than you think and undoubtedly annoying. Let's find out what they depend on. The appearance of...
Here is the original recipe for Milanese fennel, a typical product of Lombard gastronomy and easy to make. The preparation of the Milanese fennel is that...
The recipe for feta baked in foil is perfect for those looking for a simple and light appetizer. Here is our version! Preparing feta baked in...
Let's find out how to make autumn nails in line with in the moment, simple and always impressive. Having fall nails that are manicured, beautiful and...
Brunelleschi's peposo, or simply peposo, is a typical Tuscan main course, very inviting and ideal for a dinner with friends or family. The peposo del Brunelleschi...
Have you always wondered how to make cured meats at home? Today we reveal the recipe for homemade salami: it is truly incredible! Have you ever...
Pasta with pumpkin cream is an autumn recipe, easy to make and tasty. The whole family will undoubtedly enjoy it! Preparing pasta with pumpkin cream is...
Without pretending to dispel any clichés, it can be considered that, if real life begins at 40, it is equally realistic to say that real sex...
Preparing panna cotta without isinglass is really simple and we will show you both the technique with the egg whites and the one without. Panna cotta...
How to fight bronchitis with natural remedies? From sage to marshmallow, passing through plantain: here are the most effective ones. Are there any natural remedies to...
The potato and ham pie is an extremely pleasant dish to taste. Let's find out how to prepare it for maximum taste. When we talk about...
What is the difference between optician and ophthalmologist? Let's find out together and see when it is appropriate to turn to one or the other. Even...