A sports line where luxury, tradition and sustainability meet: this is how the collab with Adidas marks Prada’s transition from Nylon to Re-nylon. It all started...
The delicious morsels live up to what their name promises, and are incredibly ready to be enjoyed in just ten minutes. Delicious morsels are, perhaps, the...
Aromatic herbs and a good oil are the basic ingredients for a good flavored oil, excellent for flavoring meat, fish and vegetable side dishes. Preparing the...
We are in the time of year in which we all mention the good intentions of the new year and within the numerous lists we always...
Fennel flans with cardamom are a truly delicious side dish, easy and quick to prepare. Let’s see how to do them! Vegetable flans are a great...
Acquacotta is one of the poorest traditional Tuscan soups, prepared with vegetables and enriched with Tuscan bread and eggs. Today we go to Tuscany to prepare...
Pizza muffins are an inviting appetizer that marries a classic of Italian cuisine with one of Anglo-Saxon ones. These pizza muffins are not only delicious, but...
The crumbled apple is a delicious dessert that is prepared in a few minutes, it will hardly be left over for the next day. The crumbled...
Asperger’s syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder: let’s find out what are the causes and symptoms to pay attention to. Over the past decades, doctors have...
Pasta with asparagus and sausage and its tastier variations are perfect if you are looking for quick and easy recipes for all occasions. Two ingredients that...
It takes very little to prepare the asparagus and sausage risotto, a first course suitable for family dinners capable of conquering everyone. If King Midas had...
Are you looking for quick and easy recipes? Try our asparagus and salmon pasta in one of its variations and you will not regret it! Smoked...
The Genoese whitebait fritters are an exquisite Ligurian appetizer, easy and quick to prepare, according to the original recipe. Crispy whitebait fritters (or cicinielli ) are...
Creamy and creamed to perfection, the asparagus and stracchino risotto is a simple recipe suitable for all occasions. The arrival of spring is marked by the...
Myeloma is a form of cancer that affects a type of white blood cell that normally forms antibodies that protect against infection. Let’s find out how...
In less than half an hour your asparagus and salmon lasagna is ready to go in the oven. Here is our recipe to prepare them! We...
Beans, corn, bacon and potatoes are just some of the ingredients that make bobici soup flavorful. Here is his easy recipe. From Friuli Venezia Giulia come...
For a second course based on fish, quick to prepare, choose the original recipe of shrimp alla busara, whose origins are much disputed. There are those...
Almond milk is an increasingly popular drink both for its goodness and for its properties. Find out which are the most important and what benefits it...
The modern lifestyle causes states of anxiety and stress that can compromise psycho-physical well-being; therefore, finding a remedy that is both effective and natural is extremely...