Let’s try the kuku sabzi, a Persian omelette with herbs and spinach. Here is the easy recipe for this typical, very nutritious product. Traveling around the...
The artichoke tip flan is a delicious and nutritious dish created with waste parts. Usually it is a part that is discarded, but this flan of...
A side dish that is in season right now, so … let’s take advantage of it! Boiled artichokes with aromatic mix. The boiled artichokes with an...
A comfortable dish that will warm you up on cold evenings: artichoke and potato cream with garlic croutons. Artichoke and potato cream with garlic croutons is...
We hear more and more that casein is bad for you. But it’s true? Let’s find out the truth about it. Many people claim that casein...
Creamy and full of flavor, the smoothie with avocado, celery and lime is perfect for breakfast if you are looking for quick and easy but also...
You can consider the Ace juice as one of the quick and easy recipes to eat for breakfast or as a snack. Here’s how it is...
The recipe for cacio e pepe pasta in Rome is a real institution: here’s how to prepare this traditional first course to perfection. Today we are...
Three ingredients are enough to prepare the Nutella frosting and thus have a delicious and versatile cream available. We all know that Nutella frosting should be...
Find out if soy is bad or good based on the current knowledge about this food. Here’s what’s important to know. Many people constantly wonder if...
Among the first courses typical of Neapolitan cuisine there is one that is little known but deserves to be tried: the genovese di polpo. The octopus...
Risotto with asparagus and sweet gorgonzola is a perfect first course for all occasions: with its creaminess it will conquer everyone! When it comes to quick...
Preparing croutons or other appetizers with cooked ham mousse is the right choice if you are short on time. Appetizers are the way you introduce yourself...
Pectin is a substance that occurs naturally in plants and that can be used in the food sector for various purposes. Let’s find out what its...
If you are looking for quick and easy recipes, asparagus and taleggio risotto is the one for you. Here’s how to prepare this first course! Asparagus...
If you are looking for a quick and easy first course then try the radicchio and speck pasta: you will feel that goodness. A first course...
There is no single way to prepare radicchio risotto with the Thermomix, they are all better than the other. Here are our ideas! The recipe for...
Perfect for all occasions, the asparagus and saffron risotto is really simple to prepare, even in the tasty variant with speck. Preparing a good risotto is...
Among the quick and easy recipes perfect for Valentine’s Day is the red velvet tart, soft and with a rich cheese filling. Valentine’s Day is upon...
Two ingredients are enough for a second course of meat. Don’t believe it? Try the baked salt chicken recipe! Second courses are always those that require...