Let's find out how to prepare lamingtons, Australian coconut sweets with jam, chocolate and coconut, a real delicacy. Australian lamingtons are a dessert made up of...
We prepare the Graukase cheese soup, a typical Italian product made only with genuine ingredients linked to the territory. Graukase cheese soup is a typical product...
Butter spinach is a quick, easy and delicious side dish. Try them with meat main courses of all kinds. Here's the recipe! Today we're going to...
Onion soup is an inexpensive dish, but full of taste and mouth watering. Directly from France, here is the onion soup, a dish that all lovers...
Scrambled eggs are a classic of American cuisine, perfect for breakfast or brunch, but also for a quick lunch. Today we prepare some fantastic American scrambled...
There is no trick, there is no deception: air fryer pizza is prepared in no time and is perfect for a relaxing dinner. This appliance never...
Air fryer brioches are the perfect idea for a tasty breakfast, with a soft dough they cook quickly. Breakfast becomes more delicious with air fryer croissants....
It is a typical dish of the rural tradition to be prepared for a different and truly delicious dinner: this is how pasta and beans are...
The Aosta Valley soup is a recipe from Valle D'Aosta, a typical dish based on cabbage and fontina cheese: let's see together how to prepare it!...
A tasty and very easy preparation that will also satisfy your craving for spicy: here's how to prepare a perfect chicken alla diavola! Devilled chicken is...
Today we prepare penne all'arrabbiata: the traditional recipe of the typical dish of Italian cuisine, delicious and perfect for any occasion. Good, spicy, colorful: they are...
If you're short on time but want to enjoy an excellent side dish, we'll explain how to cook potatoes in the microwave. It may seem strange,...
Chocolate water muffins are super light and soft treats, to be made with just a few ingredients and without eggs or butter. The recipe for chocolate...
Fillet alla Rossini is a second course based on beef fillet, enriched with foie gras and black truffle. From French cuisine comes the original recipe of...
Here is the original recipe for chicken curry with basmati rice, a dish full of heady flavors and aromas: bring it to the table and you...
How to prepare a vegetarian first course to serve for lunch or dinner? Here is the recipe for risotto with turnip tops! Today we will see...
Spaghetti with walnuts and anchovies is an original first course and so easy to prepare that it will amaze even you who are cooking. Spaghetti with...
Are you looking for an easy birthday cake to prepare? Try the layer cake with its cheese and strawberry frosting. The layer cake, as it is...
The chickpea passatelli in pumpkin and potato cream are as beautiful to look at as they are good to eat, and are also very good for...
Air fryer meatballs aren't fried but are still extremely tasty. Here is our 20 minute recipe. Who doesn't like meatballs ? Already with their shape they...