Vegetable crumble: a delicious recipe for a different second course based on courgettes and cherry tomatoes. Here's how it's done! Who said crumble is only made...
A healthy, tasty and flavorful side dish, baked sweet potatoes with rosemary are also a nice idea for a lunch outside the home. If you are...
Few flavors that go perfectly with each other: here are our artichoke crepes with smoked scamorza cheese. Artichoke crepes are a refined dish but at the...
Delicious, refined and tasty: here is the Catalan lobster with vegetables, a typical Spanish dish perfect to impress anyone you want to impress. Typical of Catalonia,...
Here is the lasagna alla bolognese: the original recipe of the typical dish of the Emilian tradition! Lasagne alla Bolognese is one of the many baked...
Pizza muffins are an inviting appetizer that marries a classic of Italian cuisine with one of Anglo-Saxon cuisine. These pizza muffins are not only delicious, but...
Tuna meatballs: a quick and easy recipe for those who want to prepare a tasty and delicious second course. Excellent to accompany vegetable salads. Let's see...
Amandovo is a dessert from the Marche region of Porto San Giorgio, typical of the Christmas holiday period but easy to find at other times as...
Velvety, delicious and extremely versatile: here's how to make mascarpone cream for cakes and tiramisu! The mascarpone cream is undoubtedly very easy and quick to prepare,...
How to cook hake in the oven with cherry tomatoes and olives? Here is the right recipe for you, for a delicious and tasty second course...
The savory pie with salmon is simply perfect, a delicacy to serve on any occasion and very simple to prepare. Here's the recipe! Today we prepare...
How to cook hake in the oven with cherry tomatoes and olives? Here is the right recipe for you, for a delicious and tasty second course...
Pan-flambé caramelized bananas served with ice cream and a delicious rum caramelized sauce: here is the banana foster. The banana foster is a typical dessert of...
Vegetarian (or rather vegan) soy sauce, a simple recipe to prepare a tasty and tasty sauce based on soy granules. Here's the recipe! Soy ragout is...
Risotto alla Pescatora is a unique dish of sure effect, able to entice any palate and transform every meeting into a party. Risotto alla Pescatora is...
Risotto pasta requires very slow cooking, in a pan, to enhance its taste and consistency, just like risotto. Pan-fried pasta risotto is a very creamy and...
Typical of Molise Christmas, more precisely of Campobasso, the Milk pan is a zuccotto dessert covered with a hazelnut and white chocolate icing. At the expense...
Let's discover a typical Piedmontese recipe, that of the mitonata soup, a reinterpretation of the French onion soup. The mystery behind mitonata soup is really thick....
Baked celeriac au gratin: here's how to prepare an excellent side dish based on celeriac and béchamel. Perfect to accompany main courses of meat of all...
Salmon lasagna with bechamel is a variant of the traditional dish, delicious and perfect for any occasion. Today we are preparing delicious salmon lasagna with bechamel,...