Spaghetti alla Turiddu are a perfect first course when you don't know what to cook for dinner and you have very little time. Here is the...
Here are some of our best recipes for quick and delicious appetizers: try these ideas and bring colour, taste and imagination to the table! Today we're...
Perfect for a vegan barbecue, barbecued potato skewers are simple to prepare and really delicious. Serve them with a homemade mayonnaise! The arrival of summer coincides...
Penne al baffo is prepared with a simple but delicious sauce based on cream, tomato and diced ham. You know all those times when you're in...
Crispy zucchini crusted Tomini are a simple and quick second course to prepare, excellent to accompany your vegetable side dishes. The recipe for Tomino cheese in...
Making delicious carrot pancakes is easier said than done. Here are the ingredients and the procedure to prepare them to perfection. Do you want to find...
How to prepare gluten-free zucchini gnocchi? Here is the recipe for the variant with rice flour, perfect even for the intolerant! The gluten-free zucchini gnocchi, compared...
Halfway between a margherita pizza and a potato gateau: here is the delicious potato pizza with tomato and scamorza cheese. Potato pizza is a delicacy that...
The secret ingredient is the banana to which we will add other seasonal fruit to create a fruit-only ice cream without sugar or milk. Let's face...
Do you want a dish that is quick to make, but also healthy? Then you have to try the eggplant recipe in the air fryer! When...
RatafiĂ with black cherries or rattafia, liqueur based on black cherries and red wine, typical of the Abruzzo region, ideal to serve with dessert at the...
Palermo-style pasta with sardines is a fabulous dish, perfect to prepare for a lunch or dinner and amaze all your guests. Today we are going to...
In less than ten minutes your baked courgettes with mozzarella are ready to be baked. Here's how to prepare them with the easy recipe. If you...
Focaccia with pesto and cherry tomatoes: how to prepare a soft, fragrant and perfect rustic dish as a single dish, for an aperitif or simply for...
Chickpea and feta salad with rocket is a tasty and alternative side dish to the classic big salads. Here's the recipe! Chickpea and feta salad is...
Salmoriglio is a sauce of the Sicilian culinary tradition perfect for seasoning meat or fish dishes: here is the recipe! Today we offer you a quick...
Sweet and sour courgettes are a fabulous side dish, ideal to combine with any dish or to be enjoyed as an appetizer. Today we are preparing...
Culatello di Zibello DOP is a cured meat with protected designation of origin obtained from the leg of the pig, ideal both eaten plain and for...
Chickpea and feta salad with rocket is a tasty and alternative side dish to the classic big salads. Here's the recipe! Chickpea and feta salad is...
Not only are they tasty, they are also super easy to make! Here are the courgette flowers in the air fryer (with batter and some delicious...