If you haven't already done so, try the delicious taste of the pasta omelette cooked in an air fryer, light and tasty. Tip of the day...
Among the most original fish first courses of all there are spaghetti in foil. Here's how we prepare them with mussels and clams. The beauty of...
Three ingredients are enough to prepare eggplant gnocchi. Try them with a simple cherry tomato and basil sauce and you won't regret it. The said Thursday...
Ingredients and recipe of Mai Tai, an alcoholic cocktail made with curacao, lime juice, rum and barley syrup. Here's how to prepare it! Fresh and delicious,...
Tagliatelle with aubergines and cherry tomatoes, a simple and very tasty first course of pasta for your summer lunches. Here are all the preparation steps! In...
Valid substitutes for chips, crispy chickpeas in an air fryer are a healthy snack that is easy to prepare and flavor according to your tastes. Crispy...
Panzanella is a recipe from the humble Tuscan tradition, easy to make and perfect to serve as a tasty main dish. Tuscan panzanella is the demonstration...
Venus rice salad with vegetables, fish or… fruit? Perfect for summer, let's find out how to prepare a tasty variation of the traditional rice salad! There...
Confit tomatoes in the air fryer are a simple but tasty side dish, suitable for any recipe and ready in a few minutes. The air fryer...
Peruvian ceviche: history, ingredients and all the steps to prepare a perfect dish for those who love raw fish and strong flavours. Raw fish doesn't necessarily...
Here is the simple and tasty recipe for pasta a frocia, a first course of omelette pasta made with spaghettini and sauce. From a long tradition...
Versatile beyond imagination and simple to prepare, the courgette flan in the air fryer is the perfect recipe for summer. Among the many recipes with courgettes...
The Mediterranean eggplant rolls are a summer vegetarian dish made with fresh and genuine products. There are products from our beloved South that perfectly represent all...
A tasty ethnic sauce in which to dip your meat main courses. Indonesian tradition teaches us the quick recipe! What is Peanut Sauce? It is a...
Here is the recipe for eggplant meatloaf, a tasty vegetable-based second course that will please everyone! Every family has its own version of the aubergine meatloaf:...
Perfect for a second course and packed with protein, air fryer steak is simple to prepare at any degree of doneness you desire. The tagliata is...
The crushed zucchini without yeast is one of those recipes to save for practicality and versatility. Here's how to prepare it in the oven and in...
In honor of Giuseppe Garibaldi here is the pasta alla garibaldina: a rich and tasty first course with cream, tomato, prawns and chilli pepper. Pasta alla...
Pasta alla checca is a quick and easy first course typical of Roman cuisine. Here's how to prepare it. Pasta alla fag is a typical recipe...
For a perfect crunchy appetizer, try this Air Fryer Shrimp and Bacon recipe. From now on you will love the recipe for prawns and bacon, cooked...