Mixed confit vegetables are delicious and can accompany any type of dish, from meat to fish through cheese and eggs. Confit mixed vegetables are nothing more...
Peach jam is a great classic, a perfect jam to be enjoyed on rusks. Here is the classic recipe (and the one without sugar). Today we're...
We speak of bacterial infection when we are faced with the spread of bacteria in the blood. Let's find out what the risks are and how...
With the good weather comes the ideal time to prepare tasty recipes with zucchini, ideal for dinners with friends. Here are the best! Quick, easy and...
Soft apricot and yoghurt cake: a quick and easy dessert perfect for your family breakfasts and ideal for using seasonal fruit! The apricot and yogurt cake...
How to protect your hair from the sun: tips and products to keep your hair healthy Protecting your hair from the sun is very important, especially...
Among the most popular diets in the summer is the 5:2. Let's find out how it works and what are the reasons why it can be...
Mixed confit vegetables are delicious and can accompany any type of dish, from meat to fish through cheese and eggs. Confit mixed vegetables are nothing more...
A tasty snack that everyone will like? You can prepare it easily and customize it as you wish: here's how to make a fresh and delicious...
A few steps are enough to make excellent eggplant rolls in an air fryer with ham and cheese. The air fryer is one of the most...
Delicious and perfect for the arrival of summer: here are the ingredients and the recipe for preparing millet salad with cherry tomatoes, rocket and parmesan. Perhaps...
A tasty snack that everyone will like? You can prepare it easily and customize it as you wish: here's how to make a fresh and delicious...
Thanks to the combination of puff pastry and seasonal vegetables, the savory pie with zucchini and cherry tomatoes will be a very tasty dinner or an...
Seasickness is a disabling problem, especially if you have to take a boat or ship holiday: let's find out how to counter it Vomiting, headache, nausea,...
Suffering from acrophobia means having a fear of heights. Let's find out what it depends on and how to solve the situation. We talk about acrophobia...
If you are looking for a quick and easy fish appetizer, we suggest you try the mussels alla marinara, a recipe that is ready in 20...
Let's taste the vegan aubergine caponata, a lighter recipe than the traditional recipe typical of Sicilian cuisine. Today we prepare the delicious vegan eggplant caponata, a...
Mulberry granita is a traditional Sicilian recipe prepared with mulberry blackberries and usually served in a brioche with tuppo. The mulberry granita is a traditional Sicilian...
Fresh and delicious exotic fruit salad with pitaya, melon, mango and kiwi, perfect to serve at the end of a meal or for a different snack!...
On the beach it is a must: the coconut is one of the tastiest and tastiest fruits of the summer. Do you know all its properties?...