Fresh, tasty and always perfect: let's find out how to prepare chickpea salad and which ingredients to combine it with. With the arrival of hot and...
For a light dish that everyone gets along with, vegan Cantonese rice is a delicious recipe to bring to the table for lunch or dinner. Today...
Preparing ragusane rice balls is really simple and once you taste them you won't stop cooking them. Let's see all the steps of the recipe. Rice...
Only four ingredients are needed to make one of the most loved spoon desserts ever. We are talking about homemade panna cotta! There is no restaurant...
Stewed cuttlefish are a tasty, nutritious and very simple second course to prepare. Here are the ingredients and the step-by-step recipe! Today we will explain how...
Acai bowl with fresh fruit: the Brazilian recipe for preparing a spoon dessert that is perfect for breakfast or for a different snack! The acai bowl...
Ingredients and recipe of Cannavacciuolo seafood carbonara, a refined, gourmet first course perfect for the whole family. Cannavacciuolo's seafood carbonara is a truly delicious first course....
The recipe for spaghetti with clams from Cannavacciuolo has a particular secret: the skilful use of milk and garlic. Here's how they prepare. Neapolitan, chef and...
Here's how to prepare tasty chicken nuggets at home, crunchy and golden like those made in fast food restaurants (actually much tastier and more genuine). Far...
Tofu and pea meatballs are a delicious second course without animal proteins. Try them now, you won't regret it! Today we offer you the recipe for...
Mushroom aubergines are the perfect recipe for a tasty side dish. Quick to prepare, they are suitable to accompany many second courses. Mushroom aubergines are a...
Cream of asparagus is a hot first course with bright and inviting colours, perfect to bring to the table to warm up a cold evening with...
Baked lasagna with asparagus and béchamel is a wonderful and perfect dish to bring to the table to make a great impression: here is the recipe!...
The best recipes with asparagus: first courses, main courses, appetizers and many other quick and easy preparations to bring flavor and imagination to your table. Asparagus...
Carbonara risotto combines two classics of the kitchen, the Roman recipe par excellence and rice. The result is truly amazing! Pasta alla carbonara is a cornerstone...
Potatoes are the side dish par excellence, the one loved by everyone. Try our recipe for crispy pan potatoes. It's true, they are usually prepared in...
Typical Calabrian product and in particular from the province of Crotone and the Upper and Lower Ionian Cosentino area: this is how to prepare the Calabrian...
A few ingredients are enough to create a fresh and tasty appetizer: we are talking about the stuffed avocado. Avocado is the tropical fruit that has...
The rice cake is an unusual dessert, widespread from the north to the south of the peninsula. Let's see how to prepare it with one of...
Calamarata with squid is a fun first course, whose name and appearance play with the similarity between pasta and shellfish. As you can guess, the name...