Paccheri tomatoes and crunchy frisella ideal for delicious and simple first courses to serve during the summer. Let's see the easy and quick recipe to bring...
Salmon and zucchini lasagna with their smoky aftertaste is a perfect first course for all occasions. We love preparing lasagna, especially on special occasions, not only...
Octopus Luciana is a recipe that contains the secrets of fishermen for cooking a soft and tasty octopus. Curious to discover them? Octopus alla Luciana is...
Are you looking for a tasty dish that can be made in a short time? Here are the onions au gratin in the air fryer. A...
Looking for special salads? Then follow us on this journey to discover the best recipes to try! Today we talk about salads, a fundamental dish not...
Tired of the usual side dishes? Try the baked Greek potatoes, a true concentration of Mediterranean flavors and aromas. We know what you're thinking but no,...
Typical of the province of Mantua, risotto alla pilota is a simple first course with ancient origins. Here is the original recipe to prepare it. Pilot...
This typical Tuscan dessert made with puff pastry and custard is really delicious. Try it to find out why it's called a bedside cake. The scendiletto...
Quick and easy summer recipes? We'll think about it! Here are the best dishes for a delicious summer dinner full of taste and simplicity. In summer...
Here is the Andalusian gazpacho: the original recipe of the typical Spanish dish, perfect to serve during the warmer seasons. Tomato gazpacho is a typical dish...
Preparing porridge in the microwave is really simple and allows you to significantly reduce cooking times. For a crunchy and delicious result. Farinata di ceci, also...
How good are strawberries with cream? A fantastic dessert, which we often underestimate due to its simplicity and speed of execution. Strawberries with cream are at...
If you are looking for a simple fish appetizer to prepare, we recommend our mussels in the air fryer: with lemon and parsley they are amazing....
Buckwheat and blueberry cake is one of the best quick and easy recipes there are. A typical and gluten-free dessert that is worth tasting. Preparing a...
Cold rice with aromatic herbs and yoghurt sauce is a natural and delicious dish, which lends itself well to being served in the summer. Cold rice...
Peppers in the air fryer, an easy side dish to make in a few minutes in a light and digestible way! The first time we heard...
Caramelized peaches with the addition of a scoop of ice cream are a delicious dessert to serve after a meal. Here's the recipe! Are you unexpected...
Is it really possible to fry without oil? The answer is yes because technology has brought an essential appliance to the market for those who love...
In 20 minutes you will bring to the table a truly special and crunchy appetizer beyond imagination: gnocchi fried in an air fryer! You know those...
If you love quick and easy recipes, our savory pie with peppers, potatoes and mozzarella is the recipe for you. The savory pie with peppers and...