Pretty and perfect for the little ones, Easter cupcakes are really easy to prepare. Here is the recipe. The Easter dessert par excellence is the dove...
Pho is a Vietnamese soup made with meat broth, rice noodles and many other flavourings. Here is the original recipe to prepare it! Pho is a...
Nettle herbal tea is an ancient remedy to purify the body. Let's find out how to prepare it. Nettle is a very common perennial plant that...
Mud cake is a typical American dessert particularly loved due to the important presence of chocolate. Let's see how to prepare it! True, the name literally...
A casual outfit that's a little chic and a little jaunty? We have it! Just wear a masculine-style shirt to match the parka, the key look...
A casual outfit that's a little chic and a little jaunty? We have it! Just wear a masculine-style shirt to match the parka, the key look...
Even nails play their part in our spring looks and cloud nails explode among the trends. They put you in a good mood just by looking...
Lemon is an ingredient rich in properties, some of which prove to be excellent for the skin. Let's find out how to use it and what...
A casual outfit that's a little chic and a little jaunty? We have it! Just wear a masculine-style shirt to match the parka, the key look...
The Neapolitan pastiera salata is an Easter cake made from shortcrust pastry with ricotta cheese, salami and of course cooked wheat: here's how to prepare it!...
A casual outfit that's a little chic and a little jaunty? We have it! Just wear a masculine-style shirt to match the parka, the key look...
How do you make the French omelet? Let's find out what the right technique is, the ingredients, the basic recipe and everything you need to know!...
Pan-fried salmon is a second fish dish that is as simple as it is quick to prepare. Here is our perfect recipe for steaks and fillets....
Spaghetti omelette is an excellent solution to use leftover spaghetti, and is "mandatory" for the Easter Monday trip. The spaghetti omelette is so good that to...
The trick to getting fluffy and fluffy Japanese pancakes? Mounting snow whites but not only. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe. There aren't...
Not everyone knows how to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack. And this although often doing it can save even life. Let's find out which...
A creamy first course rich in flavor typical of Lazio cuisine: here's how to prepare tonnarelli cacio e pepe with the original recipe. Cacio e pepe...
Strawberry allergy can be mild to severe. Let's find out the symptoms and what are the things to know. As many know, strawberries are foods capable...
Among the spring/summer 2023 trends that drive celebs and influencers crazy is the dress+pants combo: and it's immediately nostalgic for the 2000s It's called dress over...
Zucchini spaghetti is a very delicious idea to use these vegetables: raw, cooked and seasoned, let's see how to make them in all the sauces! Even...