Tart with blackberry jam: the recipe for preparing a dessert using one of the most popular jams of the summer. Here's how to prepare it! The...
Preparing figs in syrup is really very simple. Let's immediately see the ingredients and the recipe step by step. Are you looking for a recipe with...
Tongue cuts can be quite painful. Let's see the causes, symptoms, treatment and natural remedies for a cracked tongue. Why do some people have cuts on...
Preparing cavatelli with seafood is really simple and in less than an hour you will have a perfect first course ready for special occasions. If you...
Cold pasta salad is a quick and easy recipe to create a fresh and delicious first course. Today we discover all the secrets of the cold...
Dresses and cut-out and crochet tops, shorts, comfy and low sandals: the best of the summer 2022 trends to pack absolutely in your suitcase Going on...
The recipe for watermelon granita with the Thermomix is ​​just what it takes to fight the heat and the heat of the hottest days. Let's find...
Chickpeas in zimino or zemin de ceixai are a Ligurian recipe and in particular a really rich, tasty and nutritious Genoese dish. Here are the ingredients...
The hazelnut cheesecake recipe is what you need for fresh, no-bake desserts. Are you ready to discover all the secrets to prepare it? Delicious and one...
Cushing's syndrome is a problem caused by too much cortisol in the body. Let's find out how to recognize it and what are the possible treatments....
Jolly of the wardrobe, the black dress is also worn in summer illuminated by accessories and bijoux Summer will also be the season of colors, but...
What is conjunctival hyperemia? It is a rather common disease, even if few know its name: let's see causes, symptoms and treatment. Although many are unaware...
Potatoes vastase, an original recipe to prepare a Trapani side dish loved everywhere! That of vastase potatoes is a Sicilian recipe, ideal for preparing an incredible...
Nutritional yeast is an ingredient widely used in vegan cuisine but also as a supplement. Here is what it is and some recipes to try it....
Potatoes vastase, an original recipe to prepare a Trapani side dish loved everywhere! That of vastase potatoes is a Sicilian recipe, ideal for preparing an incredible...
Duck ragĂą is a tasty and perfect sauce to use to season pasta for a special occasion. Here's how we prepare it! If you are looking...
Hydrogen peroxide on wounds is one of the best remedies there is. Let's find out how to apply it correctly. Those who usually cut themselves or...
Banana ketchup is an exotic condiment, native to countries like the Philippines and the Caribbean. Let's find out the recipe and some of its features right...
More and more popular, plant-based milk can be made at home. Let's find out how to prepare it with soy, rice, almonds and many others. Vegetable...
How many types of lips are there? Generally there are nine, although some say there are more. Let's find them all. At heart, fleshy or thin...