Chicken strips with zucchini is a simple and light recipe that will give your diet a tasty and original touch. Tired of the usual grilled chicken...
Perfect as an appetizer, to fill bruschetta or to accompany main courses, pickled zucchini will keep perfectly throughout the winter! Canned zucchini in vinegar are a...
There is nothing better than risotto with zucchini and stracchino for a light but at the same time refined dinner. Here’s how we prepare it. Whether...
To re-edit the usual seafood recipe, bring to the table a plate of pasta with clams and zucchini: the perfect combination of flavor and simplicity. Pasta...
These homemade breadsticks are crunchy and baked in the oven: here’s how to prepare them very simply and without making gross mistakes. Who doesn’t love bread...
Making vegan gyoza at home isn’t as difficult as it sounds. They are easy to make and the end result will blow everyone away. The vegan...
The Sammartinese pampanella is just one of the many delicious recipes that you can find in Molise. Here is the particular way of cooking pork. The...
The diet of the moment is the Cico diet, but how does it work and what are the characteristics that are making it so popular? Have...
The pezzata, a typical Molise recipe, is a sort of sheep stew cooked with potatoes and tomatoes of very ancient origins. Today we discover how to...
Torcinelli from Molise are an unusual dish prepared with lamb entrails. Let’s find out the original recipe of these rolls. Torcinelli, also known as gnumeriedde, are...
A serious pathology that must be kept under control: let’s find out more about demyelination and how to recognize it. Demyelination is a process that affects...
The ‘Mpigna Molisana is a donut-shaped leavened cake whose dough also contains boiled potatoes to give it further softness. Molise mpigna is a donut-shaped cake prepared...
Stuttering is a disorder that falls under the classification of language and communication problems. In particular, it is recognized as a fluency disorder with onset in...
Beans are a food rich in taste, with which you can create many amazing recipes: let’s find out how to cook them and some tasty ideas....
From Japan comes a sweet with an extraordinary flavor, the Castella cake (or Kasutera), which is a particular sponge cake. From the East comes the preparation...
From north to south there is no region that does not have its own tripe recipe and today we discover how to prepare the Molise version....
Albinism is a genetic disease whose main feature is the reduction or absence of melanin on the skin, hair, eyes, etc… A problem about which too...
If you are looking for quick and easy recipes to serve as an appetizer, try the crunchy courgettes in an air fryer. The recipe for zucchini...
Creoles alla Molise are a pasta shape similar to spaghetti but with a square section. Here is the original recipe to prepare them. Molise-style creoles, also...
Being able to have curls without a plate is the dream of many. Especially with the approach of the first heat. Let’s find out together the...