Crispy pan-fried carrots are a classic but timeless vegetable side dish, perfect to combine with any dish you want to taste. Today we're preparing a fantastic...
Haven't decided yet what to cook for Easter? We suggest a tasty Easter menu based on traditional recipes (ideal for young and old)! A self-respecting Easter...
There are really many Easter appetizers that you can prepare to make this day unique: here is our selection of Easter recipes. Appetizers are the highlight...
A preparation that will come in very handy for decorating pastries, cakes and biscuits: here's how to make royal icing (or royal icing). Also known as...
The vegan casatiello is the variant without animal derivatives of the typical Easter product of the Neapolitan tradition. Since Roman times, Casatiello was and remains a...
Here is the Andalusian gazpacho: the original recipe of the typical Spanish dish, perfect to serve during the warmer seasons. Tomato gazpacho is a typical dish...
The Neapolitan casatiello is a rustic savory stuffed with salami and pecorino cheese and garnished with eggs, a must at the table during the Easter holidays....
Let's find out how to prepare the real Sicilian granita, a cold spoon dessert made with water, sugar and fruit juice. Not to be confused with...
Tornado potatoes are nothing but spiral-cut potatoes, delicious and very easy to make. Here are the ingredients and the recipe! How many ways are there to...
After orecchiette, mussels alla tarantina are among the most popular recipes of Apulian cuisine. Here is our recipe to prepare them. It's impossible not to have...
From Sicily comes the perfect recipe for grilled artichokes to accompany second courses of roasted meat. It is an ancient Sicilian recipe that teaches us how...
Pretty and perfect for the little ones, Easter cupcakes are really easy to prepare. Here is the recipe. The Easter dessert par excellence is the dove...
Pho is a Vietnamese soup made with meat broth, rice noodles and many other flavourings. Here is the original recipe to prepare it! Pho is a...
Mud cake is a typical American dessert particularly loved due to the important presence of chocolate. Let's see how to prepare it! True, the name literally...
The Neapolitan pastiera salata is an Easter cake made from shortcrust pastry with ricotta cheese, salami and of course cooked wheat: here's how to prepare it!...
How do you make the French omelet? Let's find out what the right technique is, the ingredients, the basic recipe and everything you need to know!...
Pan-fried salmon is a second fish dish that is as simple as it is quick to prepare. Here is our perfect recipe for steaks and fillets....
Spaghetti omelette is an excellent solution to use leftover spaghetti, and is "mandatory" for the Easter Monday trip. The spaghetti omelette is so good that to...
The trick to getting fluffy and fluffy Japanese pancakes? Mounting snow whites but not only. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe. There aren't...
A creamy first course rich in flavor typical of Lazio cuisine: here's how to prepare tonnarelli cacio e pepe with the original recipe. Cacio e pepe...