From swimming to pilates, let’s see which are the best sports to tone your legs, buttocks and stomach in no time. To have a fit body...
Stress fractures usually occur as a result of particular physical fatigue. Here’s what you need to know about it. When we talk about stress fractures we...
The term crossed nerves refers to the inflammation of some muscle groups. Here are the causes and possible solutions. We often hear about nerves overlapping and...
Fracture of the femur is a fairly common problem that needs immediate treatment. Here’s what you need to know about the causes and possible remedies. When...
Periostitis is an inflammatory process that affects the periosteum. Let’s find out what the symptoms and possible treatments are. By periostitis, we mean an inflammation caused...
Inflammation of the meniscus can be very painful. Let’s find out how it comes, what are the symptoms to recognize and how it is treated. When...
Popliteal tendonitis is one of the lesser known forms of inflammation that affects the lateral aspect of the femur. Here’s what you need to know. When...
Savant’s syndrome is one of the still little known and not well classified cognitive disorders. Let’s find out more and see what the links are with...
Doctor Lemme, a well-known face on the Italian television scene in recent years, is the creator of the famous Diet Lemme. A real Food Philosophy based...
The iliotibial band is a band of connective tissue that lies between the muscles of the gluteus maximus and the tensor fascia lata. Here’s what you...
Find out what to do if you lose weight: the main causes and when to worry. When you are faced with an unexpected state of weight...
Myringitis is inflammation of the ear that can lead to pain and hearing problems. Let’s find out what the symptoms and possible treatments are. When we...
It often happens to wonder if gastroscopy hurts. Here, then, is all that is good to know on the subject in order to calm down. When...
Selenite has really important properties that are worth knowing in order to be able to use it at its best. Let’s find out which are the...
Exercise asthma is inflammation of the airways that occurs in particular situations. Let’s find out how to recognize it and what to do when it shows...
In case of diverticulitis, the diet represents one of the fundamental cures to be able to live without constant pain. When you suffer from diverticulitis, the...
Enthesitis is an inflammation that affects the muscle tendons and which, if left untreated, can be dangerous. So let’s find out how to recognize it and...
The window disease, despite its name, is a real pathology that is very important to recognize in time. Let’s find out what the symptoms and possible...
The deviated septum is a problem that unites several people and that brings with it a series of symptoms and consequences. Let’s find out what there...
Dry eyes are a problem that can be particularly annoying. Find out what it depends on, how to recognize it and what are the possible treatments....