Tasty, always fresh and suitable for any moment, recipes with pesto are our favorites! Here are the top 10. Recipes with pesto are a real joker...
Zero ideas for today's lunch? Zucchini and Philadelphia pasta is perfect for quick first courses and suitable for summer. Discover the recipe now! Pasta and courgettes...
The recipe for potato gateau (or potato gattò) is incredibly simple. Get yourself potatoes, eggs, cheeses, salami and let's do it together! The Neapolitan potato gateau,...
Having greasy hair is particularly annoying. Let's find out together the causes of this phenomenon and the best remedies. Greasy hair is easily recognizable when, even...
Soft, light and with an intense chocolate flavor, the black cloud cake is perfect for breakfast and as a snack. Here's how it's prepared. At first...
Ecoanxiety: what it is, the symptoms to recognize it and what are the remedies to overcome the panic related to climate change. The term ecoanxiety, or...
Somniphobia is one of the most complex and difficult fears to deal with. Let's find out what it is and how to deal with it. As...
Want a 100% veg dessert? Here then is the recipe for vegan ice cream, without milk or eggs: really delicious! It seems incredible, yet preparing a...
Let's embark on a delicious journey to discover Paolina pasta, a traditional Sicilian recipe prepared in two different variations. 'A Pasta Palìna , later Italianized as...
Beautiful, colorful and juicy: strawberries lend themselves to many recipes for enviable and very simple desserts. Here are the best desserts with strawberries! In Spring there...
Bradycardia is a condition in which heartbeats are below normal. Let's find out what it depends on and how to treat it. We talk about bradycardia...
Creamy and perfectly creamed, asparagus and stracchino risotto is a simple recipe suitable for all occasions. The arrival of spring is marked by the appearance of...
Chinese Cantonese rice is a colorful and tasty first course of the oriental tradition, perfect for any occasion. Cantonese rice is a classic of Chinese cuisine...
Fried zucchini flowers without eggs: the recipe with crunchy yeast-free batter and eggs, suitable for intolerant and vegans. Zucchini flowers are undoubtedly one of the symbols...
With aromatic herbs or spices, flavored salt is perfect as a gastronomic gift and to give dishes an extra touch of flavour. An excessive consumption of...
The strawberry diet allows you to lose weight and deflate easily. Let's find out how! When spring arrives, the craving for strawberries is almost a consequence....
Fresh, tasty and always perfect: let's find out how to prepare chickpea salad and which ingredients to combine it with. With the arrival of hot and...
Supplì on the phone are a crunchy delight: directly from Roman cuisine here is the original recipe Supplì are delicious typically Roman appetizers. They are not...
Polymenorrhea is a menstrual disorder. Let's find out what it means, how to recognize it and what are the methods of intervention. Polymenorrhea is a condition...
The sfoglio polizzano delle madonie is a typical Sicilian dessert prepared with shortcrust pastry and stuffed with Tuma cheese. Here is the original recipe. Sfoglio polizzano...