An original and different first course, perfect for a family lunch or a special occasion: beetroot and potato gnocchi with spinach pesto! Not the usual dumplings!...
Looking for a recipe that takes up one of the classic dishes of Italian cuisine but reworks it in a fanciful way? Here are the ravioli...
Preparing panzerotti in an air fryer is really simple and the result worthy of the best fryers. Here is our foolproof recipe. The Apulian panzerotti are...
Sensuality, urban vibes, transparencies and lingerie are the trends that emerged from MFW 2023 to mix in inspo looks spotted on the catwalk. Here is a...
Trichinellosis or trichinosis is a disease caused by agents transmitted from animals to humans. Let's find out what the symptoms are. When we talk about trichinellosis...
To serve colorful and tasty sweets, here is the quick recipe for M&M's biscuits, crumbly and studded with the famous colored chocolates. Are you looking for...
Turkey bites in yogurt sauce are a delicious and very easy to make dish, ideal for any occasion and perfect for your gluten-free diet. Today we're...
Mug cake: quick and easy recipe for a delicious and gluten-free sweet. Perfect for those who crave sweets, but little time to devote to cooking! Craving...
Simple, quick and tasty, pasta with asparagus and bacon is a perfect first course for all occasions. Here are our tips for preparing it. Finding quick...
Lemon agretti are an easy and very quick side dish to prepare: here is the recipe! Today we offer you the recipe for preparing agretti with...
How to prepare steamed quinoa, a perfect basic preparation to make the most of this protein-rich and gluten-free food! Steaming quinoa is very simple and in...
Lupin cream is a quick and easy recipe to make that allows you to enjoy all the properties, mineral salts and vitamins of lupins. Let's find...
Crunchy and excellent for filling, the tacos with the original recipe are really simple to prepare: you only need three ingredients! Tacos are a sort of...
Impossible to resist the montanare, a street food originally from Naples prepared with fried pizza dough enriched with tomato and cheese. The binomial pizza and Naples...
Even at Dolce and Gabbana, the body is shown with transparencies and a lingerie effect: black is the protagonist, accompanied by glam and sexy nuances, from...
Orphan of Alessandro Michele, Gucci travels between the remote and recent past to review its dress code for the next cold season A fashion show with...
Halfway between breakfast and lunch, brunch has conquered all of Italy. Let's find out together what it is and what are the ideal recipes to prepare!...
Cooking sea bream in an air fryer is really simple and doesn't require much effort. Here are our tips for perfectly cooked fish. A great alternative...
Eggless pancakes are a lighter recipe than the original, but still full of taste and simplicity, perfect for garnishing with lots of different ingredients. Today we...
There isn't just one way to prepare creamy ricotta cake. Here is our recipe and the most delicious variations tried for you. Ricotta is one of...