Vegan stuffed aubergines are prepared with tofu, cherry tomatoes, garlic and chilli pepper and are perfect for approaching vegan cuisine. If you think veg recipes lack...
Let's prepare the delicious zucchini stuffed with ricotta cooked in an air fryer, with a creamy and tasty filling. Delicious hot but also cold, we present...
Tasty and perfect to serve as a second course, tuna cutlets in an air fryer are prepared in a short time and with a little oil....
For hot summer days, coconut milk ice cream is a delicious solution for vegans and lactose intolerant. What a disappointment when the temperatures are high and...
If you are looking for a different recipe with potatoes to serve as a side dish, here is how to prepare Hasselback potatoes in an air...
Prawns in an air fryer: how to get a plate of tasty, juicy and soft inside crustaceans. The prawns in the air fryer crust represent a...
Excellent for snacks or aperitifs, zucchini jam is an original and very versatile Sicilian recipe. Zucchini jam, or typically called "Sicilian cucuzzata", is an unusual and...
Dental implantology has become increasingly accessible thanks to technological innovations and changes in care models. Considering the costs of implantology and with the rise of dental...
Gluten-free rice semolina with milk is a very easy dish to make, ideal for a quick lunch and perfect for those who want to keep it...
Many started shopping online during the covid-19 and related lockdowns connected to the pandemic but the success of online pharmacies is to be found even a...
How do you prepare stuffed tomatoes with rice in an air fryer? The recipe for a complete and tasty side dish. Tomatoes stuffed with rice prepared...
Falafel in the air fryer: the recipe for oriental vegetarian chickpea balls, tasty and ready in a few minutes. A typical Arab dish, falafel are delicious...
The recipe for escalopes in white wine for an easy, quick and tasty second course of meat. Preparing this dish is very simple, but let's see...
In no time you can cook excellent mushrooms in the air fryer, ideal to serve as a side dish but also excellent as an appetizer. If...
There's nothing better than an aperitif at home to spend time with friends. Here are ideas and recipes to organize it from cocktails to appetizers. Why...
Spaghetti del poverello are a quick first course to prepare which takes the time it takes to cook the pasta, but it is really rich in...
Do you have a lot of basil and don't know how to use it? There's no need to throw it away or prepare tons of pesto…...
Fig jam: the traditional recipe for a perfect jam to make during the summer (and beyond). Here is the preparation and advice! Fig jam is very...
For a delicious mouth-watering side dish, serve the sandy potatoes cooked in an air fryer, with a unique crunchiness. Sandy potatoes in an air fryer are...
A fake zucchini pizza is what you need for a light but substantial lunch. The recipe is simple and versatile: let's discover all the possible variations....