How to preserve peppers in oil? Let's see the recipe for delicious and tasty preserves, perfectly suitable for this type of vegetable! Vegetables in oil are...
We prepare the stuffed tomatoes in an air fryer, a genuine second course with a crunchy and delicious filling. Here is a perfect recipe for a...
Ingredients and recipe of the Black Russian, a sweet and ideal cocktail to serve after dinner. A must try! Are you a cocktail lover or are...
Excellent spread on bread in the morning or used to fill your pies, watermelon jam is really delicious. There is nothing better than a jam to...
Making pan-fried peppers is really simple. Let's find out together the recipe to make them as good as in Naples and serve them as a side...
From the Italian tradition comes a lighter reinterpretation with the unmissable eggplant parmigiana cooked in an air fryer. In itself it is an important and substantial...
Gallurese soup is a bread soup typical of Sardinian cuisine made up of layers of bread soaked in broth and cheese. A region surrounded by the...
The phenomenon of dental tourism in Croatia is gaining more and more popularity among Italians, Germans, Austrians and English. This practice allows those who travel to...
Gluten-free pancakes: a delicious recipe to be enriched with jam, Nutella or fresh fruit. Celiac disease does not mean sad desserts! Typical of the American breakfast,...
Here's how to prepare ricotta in an air fryer seasoned with cherry tomatoes and genuine ingredients, for a tasty second course. If you are looking for...
Stuffed peppers cooked in an air fryer are light and very digestible. The filling is a real delight, with minced meat and scamorza cheese. For a...
How to prepare the paposcia of Vico del Gargano, a focaccia of Apulian origin with a soft dough and perfect for fillings of all kinds. Paposcia...
In 15 minutes and effortlessly you can prepare perfect, well-cooked and easy-to-peel hard-boiled eggs in an air fryer. Preparing hard-boiled eggs in an air fryer is...
Perfect as a second summer dish, the white zucchini parmigiana in the air fryer is amazing thanks to the ham and provola. The white zucchini parmigiana...
Who does not remember the phrase: “The right balance between nourishment and taste”, from the Kinder Delice advertisement? The Kinder Delice cake is inspired by the...
Lemon scented basil liqueur: the ingredients and the recipe to prepare an excellent homemade digestif and to be served chilled at the end of an important...
Preparing basmati rice in an air fryer is possible and very simple, as it only involves three steps. With air cooking it is possible to cook...
Let's prepare zucchini alla scapece in an air fryer: a fresh, tasty and very light side dish. Summer is zucchini season. Stuffed, parmigiana, in the form...
Franciscan pasta is a typical product of Southern Italy, very tasty and prepared with sausage, cream and mushrooms. Franciscan pasta is a typical dish of Southern...
The peach tarte tatin is a dessert that is prepared with fresh pastry and fruit: discover the ingredients and all the steps of the recipe now!...