Stir-fried radicchio is an incredible dish, versatile and very quick to make, perfect for creating delicious recipes or to combine to create original side dishes. If...
How to turn your breakfast around? With protein pancakes! The recipe that we offer you today is based on egg whites, for a healthy and low-fat...
Steamed anchovies with savory sauce are eaten cold and are therefore perfect to bring to the table in the summer Oily fish is good, rich in...
Preparing the sliced ​​chicken breast is really simple and in no time at all you will have a quick and light second course at your disposal....
To be prepared with leftover polenta, polenta sticks in the air fryer are perfect as an appetizer or side dish. If you have leftover polenta, there's...
Crunchy on the outside, creamy on the inside, the vegan fried cream is perfect both as an appetizer and as a dessert. Let's find out together...
Vichyssoise is a soup made with leeks and potatoes, a dish to be served cold and which encompasses the flavors of French cuisine. It was 1917...
The temptation cake is a recipe inspired by the preparations for desserts that were very popular a few years ago. Here's how to prepare this chocolate...
Here are all the tips on how to make sausages in an air fryer, for uniform and complete cooking in a short time. Making sausages in...
Stewed lamb with artichokes, olives and bay leaf is a second course of the Italian tradition to be prepared for the delight of lovers of this...
The recipe for Carnival chiacchiere is simple and delicious: let's see how to prepare the most loved dessert of this merry party! Chiacchiere are a dessert...
Perfect for flavoring salads and meats: what are the varieties of mustard and the classic recipe for preparing it at home? Here are some helpful tips....
The grated apple cake is a tasty version of the classic dessert, easy to make and very soft, because the fruit is scattered in the dough....
Often identified as a soy cheese, it lends itself to various uses: let's see together how to prepare homemade tofu. Tofu, also known as soy cheese,...
Tempeh stew is a tasty and easy to prepare second course, ideal for a family dinner for your vegan diet. If you are looking for a...
Crispy avocado finger foods are perfect for an aperitif with friends, try them and you'll love them. The recipe is very easy and ready in 5-10...
A single dough for endless savory pancake recipes, perfect for every occasion and every food need. Here's how to prepare them! There are not many recipes...
We prepare the mozzarella in carrozza in an air fryer, for a second fried but light dish with a stringy filling. Mozzarella in carrozza is a...
The recipe for tuna meatballs: find out how to make a quick second course with just a few ingredients. Here is the preparation Tuna meatballs are...
Pasta all'amatriciana: the original Roman recipe ideal for any occasion. Are you ready to discover all its secrets? Are you really sure you know how to...