Stuffed potatoes are an excellent second course. You can stuff them as you like but the perfect match is with spreadable cheese and chives! Baked stuffed...
What to do on New Year's Eve you will have already decided, now you only need one thing: the New Year's menu! Here are 20 quick...
Cotechino with lentils is an inevitable dish on Italian tables during the Christmas holidays, especially for the New Year's Eve dinner. Here's the recipe! Here is...
The cartridges are a typical dessert of Naples and more generally of Campania. Here is the traditional recipe to prepare them. If you are among the...
Christmas leftovers: tasty and delicious recipes to recycle appetizers, first courses, second courses and desserts in a creative way. At Christmas, as we know, we always...
A few ingredients are enough to bring a truly delicious appetizer to the table. We are talking about fried ricotta. Fried ricotta is a recipe present...
How to make chicken legs in air fryer? Here is the quick and easy recipe, to serve a light and succulent second course. Are you looking...
Fregola with lentils is a versatile first course that is very easy to prepare. Here's how to use this typical Sardinian pasta in an alternative way....
Coconut balls are a perfect gourmet snack, quick to prepare and cheap. Let's make them together in just 10 minutes! Coconut balls are one of the...
Pasta with leeks is a simple first course to prepare, as unusual as it is tasty as well as suitable for a vegetarian diet. Have you...
Ginger and lemon herbal tea: a real panacea for our health, let's discover all the benefits and how to prepare it at home. The one between...
The holidays get even sweeter with the quick recipe for the traditional Christmas zeppole, originally from Campania. We present a typical dessert of Campania which, as...
If you are looking for a healthy snack, baked beet chips are the right recipe for you. We have learned that different types of vegetable chips...
Licorice mousse is a simple dessert to prepare, perfect for those who love the intense flavor of this root. As you know by now, we love...
With a strong flavor, goat ragĂą is a typical Calabrian dish usually used to flavor handmade macaroni. The recipe for goat ragĂą takes us straight to...
A few ingredients are enough to prepare these vegetarian meatballs made with potatoes and cabbage. The choice is yours whether to cook them in the oven...
Appetizer or side dish? It can accompany main courses or be part of your buffet: here's how to make a capricious salad. Capricciosa salad is an...
Tiramisu semifreddo is a perfect dessert for all occasions. Without cooking and easy to prepare in a single portion version, everyone agrees. It is the most...
A self-respecting Christmas dinner always ends with a magnificent and joyful dessert like this: here's how to make a Yule log! When you bring the Yule...
Simple and quick to prepare, ricotta omelette is a light and tasty second course that can be cooked both in a pan and in the oven....