Salmon and avocado tartare: ingredients and recipe to prepare a delicate but at the same time tasty second course and perfect for those who love fish!...
Thick, creamy and full of flavour, artichoke soup is a light first course perfect for warming up winter evenings. Today we offer you a really delicious...
Let's find out how to prepare birbanti, biscuits from Umbria made with egg whites and enriched with pine nuts, lemon and cinnamon. The birbanti are Umbrian...
Fish ravioli is a recipe for a tasty and versatile first course of fish, ideal to serve for a tasty dinner or an important lunch. Fish...
Here is the recipe for poached egg, an appetizing dish that you can enjoy for breakfast or as a second course in a quick dinner. Sooner...
Prepared with sausage and mushrooms, norcina risotto is a tasty first course typical of Umbrian cuisine. Here is the original recipe. Norcinerie are widespread premises especially...
Stewed cod is a really simple fish second course to prepare. Here is our simple and delicious recipe, perfect for family dinners. Of all the ways...
Bechamel is a precious sauce in the kitchen, here's how to prepare it without making fatal mistakes: the recipe. Scholars continue to argue about the origin...
Homemade gnocchi with pumpkin are fabulous: a colorful first course and also fun to prepare. If you are looking for a memorable dish that will delight...
White fish lasagna is a delicious first course of fresh egg pasta, ideal for any occasion. If you are looking for a fish first course that...
An original, simple and tasty dessert? Hazelnuts with cinnamon, to amaze everyone with their crunchiness. Precious Piedmont hazelnuts coated with cinnamon, a finger food treat that...
Fish recipes are often complex and require many steps. This is why today we offer you baked salmon in all its simplicity. Baked salmon is perhaps...
Ingredients and recipe for preparing zeraria, a typical winter dish from Liguria, perfect for serving even on holidays. Zeraria, also known as zraria, is a jelly...
Chicken breast with lemon is a very simple dish but with a surprising taste, ideal for a simple and delicious second course. Today we are preparing...
Champagne risotto is a refined and simple dish at the same time, perfect to bring to the table to amaze your guests. Today we are preparing...
Making mug cake, also known as microwave mug cake, is child's play. Ready in 10 minutes, here's the recipe! Suddenly craving for dessert? The solution in...
Preparing artichokes in a pressure cooker is a great way to reduce cooking times and obtain very tender artichokes. Artichokes are among the protagonists of winter...
A simple and naturally spicy side dish: grilled daikon with mustard. Let's discover this vegetable widely used in skilful Japanese cuisine, grilled daikon with mustard is...
Simple to prepare with only three ingredients, stewed broccoli is the perfect recipe to accompany your main courses. A little imagination is enough to prepare a...
The smoked salmon and cheese crepes are good and light, ideal for a brunch or a quick lunch. Today we're preparing some wonderful salmon and robiola...