The aubergine preserves are really delicious and the Calabrian aubergines in oil are certainly no exception. Here is the recipe. You have to take advantage of...
Beetroot and potato salad is a quick and easy side dish to prepare, which can also be enjoyed as a single dish! Beetroot and potato salad...
Let's prepare potato rosti in an air fryer with a quick and easy recipe, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. If you like...
Here are 5 delicious vegan recipes tried for you with smoked tofu, from vegan carbonara to kebab via skewers. When it comes to tofu, many turn...
How are dried figs made? Here is the perfect recipe to preserve these fruits even after the summer: excellent for enriching cakes and desserts! Dried figs...
Soft and fragrant, the air fryer yogurt plumcake is perfect for a gourmet break, whether it's breakfast or a snack. Preparing desserts with the air fryer...
Baked vegetables are a delicious side dish to combine with main courses of meat or fish. Very few ingredients are enough to prepare a side dish...
Banana biscuits with rice flour are excellent for your breakfast and for a gluten-free diet, easy to prepare and really delicious. If you want to make...
Can't do without your daily dose of sweets but should you check out the line? Then the light chocolate cake is the one for you. If...
Excellent hot or cold, as a main course or appetizer, potato balls in the air fryer are a versatile and tasty recipe. Meatballs are one of...
That of the rosemary liqueur is an ancient recipe full of flavour. A way to round off a meal with family or friends. Rosemary liqueur is...
This veal stew is soft and delicious: served with potatoes, it is perfect for all occasions. Here's how it's done! Veal stew with potatoes is a...
With very few ingredients it is possible to prepare a truly delicious and tasty side dish such as Mexican corn on the cob. In Italy, the...
Simple to make with just three ingredients, air fryer apple chips are perfect if you're looking for a healthy snack. If you are looking for a...
The taste of strawberry grape jam will conquer everyone. Try it on bread or to fill a tart and you won't regret it. Homemade jams have...
Today we're making rice balls: here's the recipe for making delicious bites of rice and vegetables without adding eggs, butter, cheese and other ingredients of animal...
Today we see how to prepare a delicious gluten-free grape cake, a soft dessert ideal for a snack or for breakfast! Gluten-free grape cake is a...
Simple to prepare and ideal to enjoy with bread, air fryer eggs in purgatory are tasty beyond belief. Eggs in purgatory are a classic of Italian...
If you are looking for a dessert for breakfast or a snack, banana bread in the air fryer is the right recipe for you. Here is...
An ancient recipe, with slow cooking, aimed at maximizing the consistency and flavor of the meat: we are talking about the Ischia rabbit. The Ischia rabbit...