How to prepare chicken galantine enriched with bacon and pistachios, the recipe for an elegant and refined dish! Today we offer you the recipe to prepare...
Microwave parmigiana is a recipe that is simple to make but which at the same time is able to restore taste and gluttony. Here's how to...
Creamy and refined, drunk pasta is a perfect first course for any occasion, quick and easy to prepare with just two ingredients. It seems incredible yet...
To recover a flat stomach there is nothing better than our detox salads, prepared with the right ingredients and delicious. After the holidays or a few...
Homemade cherry syrup is perfect for making drinks, enriching ice creams and cheesecakes but also preparing syrup for desserts. Summer is the season for cherries and...
The smoked salmon savory cheesecake with stracciatella and soft cheeses is an excellent appetizer to serve cold for a dinner with family or friends. Fragrant layer...
Preparing the putana vicentina cake is really simple: a few ingredients are enough and it is ideal for recycling even stale bread. The putana cake is...
Carbonara with boiled eggs is a reinterpretation of the classic dish. A way to enjoy an amazing carbonara without the classic recipe. Making a carbonara with...
Japanese cucumber salad with sesame: a seasonal side dish with an oriental and spicy taste. Everything to discover! The Japanese salad with cucumbers dressed with rice...
Soft and very easy to prepare: gluten-free vegetable savory pie, perfect to serve as an appetizer or on the occasion of a buffet of savory preparations....
Have you ever tried apricot liqueur? Here is the perfect recipe to preserve the scents of summer throughout the year! Apricot liqueur is an excellent idea...
Spelled salad is a perfect single dish, colorful and fresh, to be served as a substitute for pasta or the classic rice salad. During the summer...
Here is the recipe for pan-fried pizza without leavening, delicious and very fast, ideal to serve as a single dish or during an aperitif at home....
Let's find out which are the best recipes with courgette flowers: delicious first courses, side dishes and main courses to be made with these wonderful vegetables!...
Have you ever tried apricot liqueur? Here is the perfect recipe to preserve the scents of summer throughout the year! Apricot liqueur is an excellent idea...
Aubergine pesto is a creamy and fantastic sauce to be enjoyed both as an aperitif on croutons and as a sauce for a first course. Today...
A delicious condiment for pasta, fish, meat, bruschetta and more: this is how confit tomatoes are made. We often hear about confit tomatoes, especially among true...
We love making meatballs and our zucchini meatballs with the Thermomix are truly amazing, whichever recipe you decide to follow. Today we put our beloved robot...
Here are the best recipes for preparing homemade pesto: from the traditional Genoese sauce to the most delicious variations, let's discover all the secrets of this...
Fresh, delicate and fragrant: here is the recipe for tomato risotto, a beautiful and delicious first course! Surely tomato risotto is not among the best known...