Among the sweets of Emilia Romagna, the cake is one of the best known and most appreciated. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe....
Nutella cheesecake, simple and delicious, is a variant of the typical American dessert, quick and easy and ideal to serve on any occasion. Here is the...
The grilled salmon fillet allows you to keep the flavors of the fish intact, enhancing them with a few simple ingredients. Today we are preparing one...
Today we see the recipe for cheesecake with cherry tomatoes, a perfect dish to serve as an appetizer or as a main dish. Here's how to...
Fiordilatte, fruit, nutella and pistachio ice cream: we are sure that once you have prepared the first one you will want to try them all In...
Tasty and naturally sweet, dried apricots are a perfect snack and can be prepared at home with our recipe. Dehydrated fruit is perfect to enjoy as...
Zucchini carbonara is an exquisite variant of the traditional Roman first course. Today we prepare the zucchini carbonara, a different version of the famous Roman dish,...
Looking for a simple and tasty side dish? Then baked tomatoes au gratin are the one for you: here's the recipe. Today we are going to...
Rich and tasty dish, tomatoes stuffed with quinoa are among the most popular gluten-free recipes. Let's find out together how to prepare them in the oven!...
Tuna tartare with mango, sesame and mint is a delicious dish, to serve if you have guests who like raw fish. Tuna tartare with mango, sesame...
The Shirley Temple cocktail is perhaps the most famous non-alcoholic in the world. Let's find out the recipe and its history together. Are you looking for...
Onion recipes for all tastes! Here are the best savory, tasty and delicious dishes to enjoy all year round. Excellent onions can be found all year...
Sweet and sour salmon is a really tasty second course of fish with a clear oriental inspiration, discover the recipe now! The sweet and sour salmon...
The salted cannoli with gorgonzola and walnuts are an appetizing temptation, beautiful to look at and to eat. Perfect as an aperitif or as an appetizer,...
Light and summery, Sicilian pesto is very quick to prepare with the mixer and does not require cooking. Discover our recipe! If you are tired of...
Pasta all'amatriciana: the original Roman recipe ideal for any occasion. Are you ready to discover all its secrets? Are you really sure you know how to...
The savory pie with green beans and zucchini is a second vegetarian dish that is one of the quick and easy recipes to try at home....
Today we're making gin and tonic: here are the doses, the story and all the secrets for preparing the most loved tonic water and gin cocktail...
Loved all year round, with seasonal or exotic fruit, who doesn't go crazy for fresh fruit salad? Here is our version and some pairing advice. If...
The savory pie with green beans and zucchini is a second vegetarian dish that is one of the quick and easy recipes to try at home....