To decorate your table during the Christmas holidays, we offer you the recipe for the salty Christmas log, without cooking. The most beautiful and magical time...
Stuffed with ham and cheese, lasagne swivels are perfect to serve as a first course if you are looking for something really tasty. Lasagna is the...
Vol-au-vents are a delicious appetizer, ideal for filling in many ways and for serving. Here is the easy recipe and many ideas for the filling! Today...
Nail art trends are not found unprepared for Christmas: reindeer, snowflakes and metallic colors embellish our nails to satisfy the tastes of those looking for sophisticated...
Baking duck is really simple even if it takes a long time to cook. Here is our recipe with potatoes. Today we offer you a different...
They look good on everyone, from rainy to more sophisticated models below the knee boots are the most versatile shoes ever Raise your hand if you...
Emilian fried gnocco is a wonderful recipe, perfect to serve as an aperitif to accompany cold cuts, cheeses and much more! The Emilian fried gnocco is...
Are there natural remedies to fight the Australian flu? Let's see the most effective ones and the most appropriate drug treatment. After almost three years of...
Be careful not to confuse the Abruzzo timbale with lasagna! This first course is much richer and tastier, a must try. The Abruzzo timbale, also known...
How many times have you found yourself at the New Year's Eve dinner thinking about all your past and future resolutions? The arrival of the new...
Christmas cookies can be prepared with many ingredients and decorated with colorful and… tasty decorations! Here are 10 unmissable recipes to make your Holidays unforgettable. Today...
If you can't contain the urge to go out with a couple of braids and wear black and white outfits, welcome to the Wednesday club From...
Acute myeloid leukemia is a form of leukemia linked to the mutation of cells in the bone marrow: let's understand its causes and treatment. Acute myeloid...
Stuffed eggs are a delicious appetizer that can be prepared in large quantities, perfect for serving during large dinners or lunches. If you are looking for...
Let's find out how to prepare gluten-free cantucci so that they have nothing to envy to the originals in terms of flavor and consistency. Cantucci, also...
How to distinguish the Australian flu from Covid? Let's see the main symptoms of the seasonal illness that comes from Australia. The Australian flu and Covid...
How to lower the temperature: during the winter it is easy to get sick, so let's see what are the best remedies to try. Especially in...
It is still tempting today as it was yesterday, continuing to write the history of fashion: this is why we cannot give up the little black...
The gastronomic panettone is an appetizer that is served during the holidays, ideal for sharing the pleasure of good food with your friends and relatives. Here's...
Dysarthria is a speech disorder that can greatly limit the patient's life: fortunately, rehabilitation is of great help. Dysarthria can greatly undermine the patient's daily life,...