Rich in protein and nutrients, the peanut soup with African origins will add a spicy touch to your warm and creamy dinner. Peanut soup is a...
To color the table with delicious appetizers, do not miss the carpaccio of bresaola, rocket and parmesan on your list. Do you want fresh and light...
Baked potatoes are a popular dish, but difficult to get right. Here’s how to do them perfectly! Today we prepare one of the most classic side...
Grilled calamari with artichokes are a very tasty second dish that requires little time to prepare. Grilled calamari with artichokes are a delicious dish, which combines...
An uncovered winter look with an unexpected must have: this is how Ferry surprised New York at Fashion Week 2022. Joking a while ago, Fedez stated...
A colorful dish that will make a great impression on the menu of masquerades: here is the carnival risotto. As the name suggests, carnival risotto is...
The dissociated diet for weight loss is excellent; it also improves digestion and overall health. Let’s see how it works. The dissociated diet is a diet...
Are you curious to know what is inside the sweet Romagna hedgehog? Let’s prepare this typical sweet Easter hedgehog. Many of you, perhaps, do not yet...
The colonoscopy diet is essential in order to obtain a reliable examination. Here, then, how to manage it and what are the foods to eat and...
The cauliflower meatballs are a genuine and substantial vegetable-based second course, a perfect vegetarian recipe even for the little ones. The cauliflower meatballs are a rather...
Let’s discover Ernst Knam’s easy-to-make recipes at home that made him famous as the king of chocolate. Ernst Knam is known to most as the king...
With Carnival just around the corner, it’s time to think about the recipe for Nutella gluten-free donuts, perfect for those intolerant to gluten! Celiac disease is...
Roasted artichokes in a pan with olives and lemon-scented feta: a tasty and rich in flavor side dish but easy to prepare. Here is the recipe!...
The window disease, despite its name, is a real pathology that is very important to recognize in time. Let’s find out what the symptoms and possible...
The elvezia cake is a refined dessert made up of layers of crunchy daquoise, buttercream and zabaglione. Here is the original recipe from Mantua. The elvezia...
The deviated septum is a problem that unites several people and that brings with it a series of symptoms and consequences. Let’s find out what there...
Once a practical closure, today much more: the zipper is a fashion trend, and turns into a street style detail on dresses, sweatshirts and shoes. Lovers...
The appointment with Milan Fashion Week is one of the most anticipated of the year, but how is it possible to participate? Fashion influencers, fashion bloggers,...
That of manfredi with ricotta is a Neapolitan recipe and linked to a long history. Prepared with sauce and buffalo ricotta, they are a really greedy...
Dry eyes are a problem that can be particularly annoying. Find out what it depends on, how to recognize it and what are the possible treatments....