In velvet and soft, glittery or jeweled, the hair bands take their revenge as an influencer. There are many hair accessories that take us back to...
One of the most popular dishes during the long and cold winter season are lasagna with broccoli and sausage, as delicious as those with meat sauce....
Here is the recipe for pasta with swordfish, a delicious and simple dish to prepare in a short time. Do you like easy first courses based...
Let’s try together the delicious and tasty vegan recipe of lupine meatballs with dried tomatoes: imagination and taste on your table. Tired of the usual soup?...
Camille with Thermomix are prepared with healthy and genuine ingredients, therefore they are also suitable for the daily snack of the little ones. Camille are tender...
We will have to wait for the winter season 2022 to celebrate the 90s, but in the meantime we can steal some inspiration in Balenciaga style....
The gluten-free baked pasta is as tasty as the original but suitable for everyone, ideal to be enjoyed during Sunday lunches with the family. One of...
Considering the rapid advancement of the Omicron variant and the increase in Covid-19 cases, the designer has decided to cancel the shows giving priority to health...
Budwig cream represents a healthy, nutritious and easy to prepare breakfast. Let’s find out what its ingredients are and why it is considered beneficial. Lovers of...
Stuffed loin is a delicious second course that is suitable for any type of occasion, from Sunday lunches to quick and easy dinners. The first step...
Do you want something refreshing and detoxing after binges? Try the cream of thistles and peas. A good creamy dish like our cream of thistles and...
Classic cuttlefish ink spaghetti are one of the most popular made in Italy first courses of fish. Scenic and greedy, they are also easy to prepare....
The puzzle cookies are suitable for those looking for an idea for Valentine’s Day that can amaze their sweetheart. The puzzle biscuits are one of those...
If you are looking for a tasty and simple first course to prepare, you cannot fail to try the recipe for cauliflower and pancetta pasta. Pasta...
The gluten-free apple pie with Thermomix is ​​ideal for snacks with friends or breakfasts with your family. Apple pie is undoubtedly one of the easiest desserts...
Palermitan style pasta with sardines is a fabulous dish, perfect to prepare for a lunch or dinner and amaze all your guests. Today we are going...
Knam’s Chocolate Tart is a delicious dessert excellent to serve during the holidays, but also as an end to a meal on a special occasion. If...
Pumpkin farrotto is an original first course perfect to be served on autumn evenings, really very tasty. The farrotto is so called because of the cooking...
Tourette’s syndrome, also known as Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome, is a neurological disorder characterized by the presence of repeated tics. Let’s get to know it...
His majesty the pesto, but without garlic. Simple, delicious and irresistible in the recipe that we offer you quick and easy. Pesto is one of the...