From Spain comes the recipe for the typical dish called octopus alla Galiga, to be served as an appetizer with lots of bold flavours. Galician octopus,...
All about the agretti, the sour herbs that are excellent for health, rich in vitamins and mineral salts, to be eaten both cooked and raw for...
Here is the Genoese pasta, the Neapolitan recipe for a first course full of taste and aromas! Today we are talking about a marvel , one...
Baked tofu and spinach meatballs are the vegan alternative to the classic meatballs: let's see how to prepare them! Tofu and spinach meatballs are a delicious...
Salmon trout fillets with pink pepper and lime are a great way to combine taste, health and savings. Trout is a lean, digestible and cheap fish,...
How to prepare stuffed olives in the oven, to enrich your aperitifs or savory buffets in a light and tasty way! If you are looking for...
Ingredients and recipe to prepare a delicious and refined first course: risotto with goat cheese and honey, an easy recipe with an amazing taste! Today we...
Strongly flavored and crunchy, garlic potatoes are a tasty side dish, both for meat and fish dishes. The preparation of potatoes with garlic is inspired by...
Black tea, spices and milk make up the famous Masala Chai. But do you know how to prepare it with the original recipe and what are...
Crunchy on the outside, warm and gooey on the inside, mozzarella in carrozza is real comfort food. Here is our recipe! There are few recipes that...
Excellent as an aperitif or as a tasty appetizer: here's how to prepare homemade dixi cheese chips. Children's joy! Who said that it is not possible...
Dinner of fish? Here is a very tasty recipe: baked sardines flavored with breadcrumbs, lemon and aromatic herbs. Baked sardines are a truly delicious dish for...
The recipe for cheesecake with the Thermomix is ​​quick and easy and can be filled as desired with many different ingredients. It is one of the...
Pan brioche with spinach, rustic salty but at the same time very delicate, perfect to combine with cured meats or cheeses of all kinds for a...
Hasselback potatoes are delicious whole baked potatoes of the Swedish tradition, also perfect for those who follow a gluten-free diet. Today we prepare a typical Swedish...
Are you crazy about homemade pizza? Don't miss the recipe for pan pizza, soft, fragrant and delicious. Pizza enthusiasts and connoisseurs will know very well that...
Cheap, nutritious and with an irresistible flavour: let's discover all the secrets of pasta and potatoes, the humble dish of Italian cuisine which has become a...
Today we find out how to prepare a simple dessert, perfect for young and old: strawberry tiramisu without eggs, a real delicacy! When strawberry season arrives,...
Lentens are really delicious baked cookies, prepared with almonds and flavored with cinnamon or nutmeg. Today we are preparing some very tasty Lenten biscuits which, as...
Polenta and renga is a poor dish typical of the Venetian tradition, which should be prepared a few days in advance. Polenta e renga (or scopeton)...