Strawberries in syrup are a great way to preserve the flavor of this typically spring fruit. Here's how to prepare them! Strawberries are the protagonists of...
Let's try a typical dish of Lazio, tripe alla romana, which owes all its flavor to the excellence of the area… and to the love of...
Typical of Abruzzo, the brodetto alla vastese contains the flavors of the sea and the earth. Here's how to prepare it with the original recipe. Brodetto...
Strawberry Bavarian cream is an excellent spoon dessert, even if tasting it it doesn't seem possible that it could be so easy and so quick to...
Spaghetti alla Corte d'Assise are a first course of the Calabrian tradition, made with genuine ingredients including chilli pepper. The recipe for spaghetti alla Corte d'Assise...
Potato-crusted sea bass is a delicious and light second course. It is excellent to be served on any occasion… The potato crusted sea bass recipe is...
Venetian fugassa is perfect to prepare as an alternative to the more classic Easter dove. Let's find out the recipe of the typical Italian dessert The...
Here is a triumphal and succulent dish to be enjoyed for Carnival: Shrove Tuesday veal and bean stew. Why not prepare a delicious Shrove Tuesday veal...
Colorful and effective: this is how to prepare the strawberry and cream roll, a delicious and very soft dessert, perfect for those who want to bring...
For those who are intolerant to brewer's yeast or want a more digestible pizza, here is the recipe for yeast-free pizza dough! Yeast-free pizza is a...
Migliaccio is a typical dessert of Neapolitan cuisine based on ricotta, semolina and milk to be prepared for the Carnival party. What Carnival would be without...
With a quick recipe, mazza frissa Gallurese is ready, a typical Sardinian dish, to be made with just a few ingredients and in a few minutes....
Here are the ingredients and recipe for preparing arepas, a typical dish from Venezuela that is very easy to make at home too! Arepas are one...
You will not be able to resist the soft morsels of bread with semolina flour. Here is the recipe for air fryer buns! Once again the...
Peanut and broccoli chicken is a tasty and very tasty second course, perfect for a different dinner and to amaze your guests. Peanut and broccoli chicken...
From the Venetian tradition comes the simple and quick recipe for serving bigoli in sauce with anchovies, a typical fresh pasta. To make lunch special, here...
The strawberry mousse recipe will be child's play, as easy as it is: here is the quick and delicious preparation! It takes very little to prepare...
Difficult to find a more colorful side dish than the one we are about to present to you: here is the sweet and sour Carnival salad....
Inevitable at this time of year, here is the quick recipe for Carnival cenci, or the typical sweets of Tuscany. Their name changes according to the...
Soft and fragrant, pan bread is the solution to all your problems. Here's how to prepare it quickly and without yeast. You too must have found...