Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, air fryer potatoes are a truly amazing side dish. Here is the perfect recipe to prepare them....
Fennel baked in foil is a very quick recipe to prepare as a side dish or to enjoy on its own! Fennel is a true ally...
Cream and tuna pasta is one of the most loved first courses ever. Simple and tasty, it turns out to be a very easy dish to...
Simple but extremely tasty, drunken meatloaf is one of those traditional recipes that everyone can agree on. One has to dig very deep into the Italian...
Ready in less than 20 minutes, mashed potatoes in the Instant Pot are the most versatile side dish you can make. Is there a side dish...
Strawberry tart is a homemade dessert rich in flavor and colour, perfect if you want to serve a delicious and refreshing dessert at the same time....
Today we'll see how to make baked pancakes, one of the Carnival desserts par excellence, but in its light version, for those who keep an eye...
Let's find out how to prepare grandma's donut in an air fryer with a quick and easy recipe as well as very soft. And who could...
Potato flan with sausage and mozzarella is a single dish that is very simple to prepare. It can be prepared in advance and reheated at the...
If you are looking for a different appetizer or aperitif, we recommend preparing the potato pizzas without flour. You can't resist pizza, whatever recipe you choose...
The sweet floating, or rather the floating ile, is a typical dessert of French cuisine prepared with eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla. There is a very...
Strawberry risotto is a simple but highly effective dish, suitable for serving on any occasion. Today we're preparing a special, fresh and colorful risotto, risotto with...
Chickpea puree is an easy recipe to prepare and can be enjoyed as a single dish, but also as a side dish for a second course....
Perfect alone or to fill desserts, microwave jam can be prepared in less than 30 minutes with any type of leftover fruit. The microwave is one...
Pan pizza, also known as pan pizza, is an original recipe from Turin with a very ancient history. If you've never heard of pan pizza, you...
Today let's taste the delicious and light millet meatballs with vegetables with broad bean cream, ideal as a delicate second course or delicious appetizer. Excellent as...
The recipe for chocolate flan with a soft heart is delicious and easy to prepare, and will make your guests fall in love with it. If...
The Valentine's menu must be taken care of in every detail: here are the delicious and aphrodisiac recipes to offer to your sweet half for an...
To start the day off right, we suggest you try our truly irresistible strawberry French toast. We Italians usually eat a breakfast on the go ,...
Preparing sausage and beans means bringing a rustic and tasty second course to the table, perfect for warming up body and soul. If you are looking...