Millet focaccia is a savory leavened product revisited in perfect gluten-free style, to try and try again! Are you planning to organize a small party, an...
Mallow herbal tea is a panacea in case of cough and sore throat but its properties certainly do not end there. Here's how it's prepared. Mallow...
Baked sea bream with potatoes and cherry tomatoes: simple and perfect second course of fish for a fish lunch or dinner. Are you looking for a...
Artichoke lasagna is a wonderful baked white lasagna, a perfect dish to put all your friends and relatives in a good mood. Today we prepare delicious...
Crispy tofu with broccoli: quick and easy recipe for those who want to try a healthy and genuine second course, here's how to prepare it! Crispy...
From the best delicious recipes to the secrets for impeccable and state-of-the-art preparation. Here's everything you need to know about risotto! Risotto is, after pasta, the...
Potatoes, onions, bacon and cheese – what a clever combination of ingredients. This is how they make up the delicious tartiflette. If you are looking for...
Ricotta and zucchini crepes perfect recipe for unique dishes with vegetables to serve on any occasion. Ricotta and zucchini crepes are the perfect idea for preparing...
You can make air fryer fries using either fresh potatoes or your favorite frozen fries. That's how. Having perfect fries while reducing the amount of fat...
Crispy, light and naturally veg, kale chips are a perfect healthy snack, also excellent as an aperitif. Munching on something while sitting on the sofa is...
Let's see together the best recipes with ginger, a very popular spicy root (both in the kitchen and for physical and mental well-being) but not so...
Octopus sauce, a light and tasty sauce for your fish first courses. Also excellent to serve on bread for tasty bruschetta, here is the recipe! Octopus...
Soft-boiled eggs are very simple to make, just follow the right steps for a great result. Let's see how to prepare them now! Soft-boiled eggs are...
Pistachio-crusted amberjack: the healthy and light recipe featuring amberjack, a prized fish also known as the queen of the sea. The pistachio-crusted amberjack recipe is ideal...
How to make a perfect fried artichoke? Here are the recipes for preparing fried artichokes with and without batter, to be served as a side dish...
Cous cous with three ingredients: the recipe with spinach, chickpeas and dried tomatoes, a simple but perfect mix for a natural and tasty dish! The three-ingredient...
A delicious idea to flavor and make your desserts even more beautiful: here's how to make candied ginger to decorate desserts! Homemade candied ginger is easy...
Gingerbread cookies are fragrant, delicious and really easy to make. Here is the very fragrant recipe to be made in very few steps! Ginger biscuits are...
If you are looking for a quick and easy recipe to serve as a side dish, try the very light fennel au gratin in the air...
Here is the recipe for artichokes alla giudia, an irresistible and very easy to make dish, perfect to bring to the table on any occasion. Giudia...