A valid alternative to the traditional recipe: baked lasagna with pesto is excellent to be enjoyed on any occasion and easy to prepare. Lasagna with pesto...
From the Apulian tradition comes the quick and easy recipe of the apostles' fingers, sweet pancakes filled with ricotta and chocolate. Making apostles fingers at home...
Also known as Chayote, spiny zucchinis have a potato-like flavor. Here are our recipes for cooking them. A glance is enough to understand that spiny courgettes...
Spinach roll with salmon is a simple and quick recipe to prepare, to serve as a main course or appetizer. Do you have some spinach available...
The simple prawn cocktail recipe is one of the most popular with young and old. Excellent served in a glass: this is how it is prepared!...
Recipe for chocolate figs, delicious treats, quick to make and perfect as a holiday treat but not only. Let's discover the secrets of this easy recipe!...
There are several ways to prepare dry passatelli, including the recipe with parmesan cream and raw ham. Here are three delicious ideas. Passatelli are a typical...
The simple prawn cocktail recipe is one of the most popular with young and old. Excellent served in a glass: this is how it is prepared!...
Bucatini alla Caruso are a simple first course prepared with genuine ingredients typical of the Campania region. Here is the recipe. Bucatini alla Caruso went down...
Similar to custard, mousseline cream is enriched with a fair amount of butter. Here is the recipe. France is famous for being the birthplace of some...
The crunchy squash squash is an excellent alternative to bread to serve as an appetizer. Here is the recipe to make it in the oven. We...
How to make puff pastry bread sticks? Here are the ingredients and recipe for making quick and very easy appetizers to serve as an aperitif! Puff...
Sassi d'Abruzzo are a typical dessert of a small town in Teramo, prepared with caramelized and flavored almonds. Finally, they are almost the Italian regional recipes:...
Neapolitan baked pasta is a very rich traditional recipe, perfect for any occasion and ideal to serve as a single dish. Neapolitan baked pasta is a...
Looking for simple and quick fish appetizers? Here are the best recipes to bring mouth-watering seafood appetizers to the table: truly delicious! Today we talk about...
Ingredients and recipe for mulled wine, a very easy drink to make, very fragrant and perfect to serve on colder days. Mulled wine, also known as...
Broccoli and potato pasta is a quick and easy vegetarian first course to prepare. Here's how we do it. Finding recipes that are quick and easy...
20 quick and simple recipes for your Christmas first courses: the magic of what is cooked with love and care will amaze your guests! Here are...
Choosing to use pasta instead of rice is truly brilliant and spaghetti arancini have nothing to envy to the originals. Arancini or arancini? We have decided...
The mascarpone cake recipe is really simple but the result is beyond imagination, try to believe! Breakfast desserts are undoubtedly the most popular. After all, what...